
Harris on When Border Became Crisis, Prior Claims It’s Secure: It’s Been Broken Since Before Trump

Harris on When Border Became Crisis, Prior Claims It’s Secure: It’s Been Broken Since Before Trump

During an interview with the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report” on Wednesday, 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Vice President Kamala Harris responded to a question on when she thinks the border became a crisis in light of her prior insistence that the border was secure by stating that “we’ve had a broken immigration system” since even prior to the start of the Trump administration.

Host Bret Baier asked, [relevant exchange begins around 7:15] “During that time, you said, repeatedly, that the border was secure. When, in your mind, did it start becoming a crisis?”

Harris responded, “I think it did — we’ve had a broken immigration system, transcending, by the way, Donald Trump’s administration, even before. Let’s all be honest about that. I have no pride in saying that this is a perfect immigration system. I have been clear, I think we all are, that it needs to be fixed. We need more — I was just down at the border, talking with border agents. And they will tell you, and I’m sure you probably — I know you investigate and you are a serious journalist — they will tell you, we need more judges, we need to process those cases faster, we need the support for those cases that should be prosecuted, they need more resources. And Congress, ultimately, is the only place that that’s going to get fixed, Bret. That’s how the system works.”

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