Guest post by released J6 political prisoner James Tate Grant
James Grant served nearly 3 years in jail. Rejecting a plea deal and going to trial, he was acquitted of most charges. James graduated with honors from NC State University in Political Science.
Besides losing 3 years of his life, James lost scholarships to multiple top law schools. Sadly, stories like these of ruined lives are all too common in the wake of the “biggest prosecution in American history.”
But with growing evidence that fraud may have changed the outcome of the 2020 election, are the J6ers being proven right?
If there was an election steal happening – wouldn’t stopping it be right thing to do?
The moral outrage over January 6th was and is based on 2 basic premises:
1) The January 6th defendants murdered a police officer.
2) The 2020 Presidential Election did not contain significant fraud.
But what happens if both of these “ironclad truths” are false?
Let’s examine the first claim. For years, media outlets reported that January 6th resulted in the murder of a police officer.

The mainstream media, President Biden, and even Kamala Harris parroted the lie that Brian Sicknick was killed by protestors. Together, they whipped up a media frenzy that helped them secure years-long prison sentences for protestors who would, at most, spend a night in jail under normal circumstances.
How could these protestors have gotten a fair trial with the President of the United States wrongfully calling them murderers?
This lie not only poisoned the well of truth surrounding January 6th, but it also allowed for the justification of massive prison sentences for Capitol defendants.

On top of that, they were tried in the most heavily Democrat venue in the nation. Almost 93% of DC voted for Kamala in 2024.
Would there have been anywhere near as much outrage over January 6th if the media had been honest from the start?
“4 Protestors Killed, 2 Unarmed Women at Stop the Steal Rally” just doesn’t have the same ring to it, does it?
Not to mention, leftist protestors routinely do far worse and serve no jail time at all.

But what about the biggest question of January 6th: Was the 2020 election fraudulent?
For one thing, President Trump won 18/19 bellwether counties in the 2020 election – with Biden winning only a single one of these election-predicting counties.

According to Grok on X, the odds of this happening under normal circumstances would be next to zero.
There are also thousands of sworn testimonies and sworn affidavits from witnesses, observers, and poll-workers across the nation.
It has even been reported by The Gateway Pundit that evidence suggests that there was never a voting machine election audit performed in Georgia following the 2020 election.
Starting at 6:19, James factually enumerates the evidence of fraud in the 2020 election.
**Donate to James Grant Here!**
The J6ers, who have been endlessly accused of staging a coup, would actually have been attempting to stop one!
Wouldn’t that make them patriots who stood up to a stolen election — and were persecuted and tortured for it?

Of course, the mainstream media isn’t talking about these truths – but this evidence changes everything about the events of January 6th, 2021.
My fellow J6ers and I stood for what we believed – what we knew to be right. And it appears we are being vindicated. History needs to remember January 6th properly – as the audience of The Gateway Pundit does and has been well ahead of the curve on.
We were instigated, entrapped, and tortured for years for standing up for election integrity and the greatest president in modern history.
**Donate to James Grant Here!**

Currently, I am living with my special-needs brother, and quite frankly, it is an incredibly difficult situation.
He is extremely loud and difficult. After 3 years in jail, I am having serious trouble tolerating this situation. I desperately need my own place to live, and I am extremely close to being able to afford a cheap apartment.

Please help change my life and donate, so that I can know peace. My current living situation with my special-needs brother is extremely difficult and stressful.
With my own apartment, I can dedicate the next month to advocating for all January 6th defendants — until I am pardoned and can get a job.
Your donation will unleash a full-time, one-man PR firm to campaign for all J6ers.
The Biden regime tried to destroy us. Instead, they forged the J6ers in the fires of hell. Unfortunately for them, I came back as a warrior for God.
And I plan to: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!