A driver trying to get to a Colorado ski resort wound up stuck at the foot of a trail after his GPS steered him far off course — but the mishap wasn’t all that bad as he was still able to go skiing the next morning.
The driver of the Audi hatchback was trying to make his way to the Keystone Resort’s employee housing area on Sunday night when the GPS directed him near the bottom of the Schoolmarm run near Mountain House, according to the Summit County Sheriff’s Office.

His car reportedly “enjoyed a few ‘lucky’ seconds of flotation on the frozen snow before the car’s tires broke through the crust.”
In a video posted on Reddit, the driver apparently followed Siri’s instruction to a tee and landed himself at the bottom of the trail. His car was stuck, so he left it there overnight with a note pasted onto the windshield. The following morning, he took the opportunity to go skiing.
“I’m the Jerry of the Day, I guess,” he said in the video.

Employees tried to help dig the car out of the crust and make a path for the driver to try and roll his vehicle down, but they had no luck.
They had to stop their efforts in the morning as the mountain opened for the day. Staff fenced off the car to make sure no skiers or snowboarders rammed into it.
The Summit County Sheriff’s Office noted that the driver did not receive a citation because his vehicle wasn’t abandoned on a main road. His car wasn’t even scratched, despite being stuck near a busy trail all day, and the most the driver will have to pay if anything is a steep towing fee.