Whether you want to call it ‘deportations’ or ‘remigrations’, there is one strong trend in Europe against not only illegals but also non-assimilating or criminal migrants who have already obtained citizenship.
So, while the European establishment is going mad over German AfD’s electoral chances, some other political actors that are already in power are also advancing in this issue with vigor.
Take former migrant paradise Sweden, for example.
The current government announced yesterday (15) that it will change the constitution so as to take away passports from people who got their citizenship by fraudulent means, or else are a ‘threat to the state’.
Reuters reported:
“People with dual nationality who received citizenship by providing false information, bribery or threats, as well as people convicted of crimes like espionage or treason could be stripped of their Swedish passports if the law is passed.
‘The background is that Sweden is dealing with three parallel and very serious threats to our internal security’, Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer told a news conference. ‘Violent extremism, state actors acting in a hostile manner towards Sweden, as well as systemic and organized crime’.”
Sweden’s government won the 2022 election with the promise to drastically reduce immigration and its related gang crime.
In 2024, Stockholm granted the lowest number of residence permits to asylum seekers ever recorded.
“The proposals to revoke citizenship were put forward by a cross-party parliamentary committee. To change the Swedish constitution, the proposals need to pass a vote in parliament with a simple majority, followed by a general election and then a second Riksdag vote.”
Read: EUROPE AGAINST MASS MIGRATION: Sweden Now Offers $34K for Third-World Illegals to Self-Deport
The right-wing parties want to go further, and be able to revoke the citizenship of gang criminals with dual citizenship, but at this point this is not the committee proposal.
“Around 20% of Sweden’s 10.5 million citizens were born abroad. Earlier this week, the government proposed that the time before an immigrant living in Sweden can apply for citizenship be raised to eight years from five.”
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