
Scott Jennings Delivers TKO On Deportation Hypothetical: ‘Great! Finally!’

Scott Jennings Delivers TKO On Deportation Hypothetical: ‘Great! Finally!’

CNN Republican commentator Scott Jennings did not hesitate for a second when presented with a hypothetical scenario in which an illegal alien was arrested at a school.

The topic came up during a panel discussion on “CNN NewsNight” with host Abby Phillip, with that specific hypothetical being presented by author Jose Antonio Vargas.

“I think the question is, what are you going to do when people are getting arrested while you are dropping off your kid to school?” Vargas asked.


More fun immigration debates last night on @cnn. We are either going to enforce the law or we aren’t, and the people are behind Trump on this.

— Scott Jennings (@ScottJenningsKY) January 22, 2025

Jennings’ answer was immediate: “I think if I were dropping my kid off at school, and they showed up and arrested someone who, I don’t know, had committed a violent crime or had an existing adjudicated deportation order, I would, A: wonder why they were at the school? And B: say, great! finally, somebody is enforcing the law in the United States of America. I would have no problem with this, truthfully.”

Vargas attempted to redirect the conversation, claiming, “And the reality is undocumented people are way less likely to commit crime than native-born citizens …”

“But there are still criminals here,” Jennings pushed back. “They need to be deported.”


“There are some,” Vargas conceded.

“So if they were at a school, you would agree it would be okay to come and get them,” Jennings prompted him.

“It’s not just those people who are going to be deported,” Ana Navarro said then, jumping to Vargas’ defense.

“Do we have a crisis here or not?” Jennings asked. “Ten million people have come here in the last four years. We’ve had no interest on the part of the last administration to do anything other than create this massive problem.”

“It’s a crisis. People voted for Trump to solve the crisis,” Jennings added, noting that Trump had campaigned not only on changing policy at the border to prevent more illegal aliens from crossing into the United States, but also on enforcing the law — which means following through on his promise to deport those who should not be in the country.


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