
Archbishop Vigano Exposes Why Pope Francis is Pushing Back on President Trump’s Immigration Polices-It’s All About the Money

Archbishop Vigano Exposes Why Pope Francis is Pushing Back on President Trump’s Immigration Polices-It’s All About the Money

Former Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano and Pope Francis

On February 10, 2025, Pope Francis, who resides in the Vatican, a city-state surrounded by a formidable 39-foot wall, penned a letter to U.S. bishops, decrying what he describes as harsh immigration policies of President Donald Trump.

In his sanctimonious letter, Pope Francis calls on the bishops to defend the “infinite and transcendent dignity of every human person” amidst what he terms a “major crisis” with “mass deportations.”

Outspoken Catholic leader Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano has responde to the letter and called out Red Francis main concern is not about immigrants, but about losing the steady flow of American tax dollars into the Church’s coffers for immigrant “services.”

The recent exposure of the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) funding of a myriad of NGOs shows just how much money is being siphoned from American taxpayers to enrich globalist causes.

According to Forbes, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) was the top recipient of funding from the USAID.

Per Forbes:

CRS, a nonprofit, received $4.6 billion from 2013 to 2022. Other top recipients include Chemonics International, a for-profit organization that received $4.5 billion; FHI 360, a nonprofit that received $3.8 billion; and Development Alternatives, a for-profit organization that received $3 billion.

.Archbishop  Vigano writes:

Jorge Bergoglio’s letter to the Bishops of the United States is the most obvious admission of the effectiveness of the measures adopted by the Trump Administration to counter the operation of ethnic substitution desired by the globalist elite through mass “immigration” from the Third World.

Bergoglio cannot allow the exorbitant flow of public money paid to the USCCB and to “Catholic” foundations and NGOs to be interrupted – starting with the American Jesuits’ JRS – and used, not to promote works of authentic Christian charity, but rather in support of the globalist plan for social dissolution.

For this reason, he seeks to give a doctrinal basis to the indiscriminate “welcoming” of illegal immigrants, even inappropriately invoking the Magisterium of Pope Pius XII.

The words of the Argentine Jesuit contradict themselves. If they were true and disinterested, we should have heard them much earlier, when the Biden Administration took away the wages of American citizens who did not submit to the inoculation of the so-called vaccine.

In that case, concern for the “infinite dignity of all” yielded to the diktats of the same subversive elites who planned the ethnic substitution; the same group of elites who use taxpayers’ money to fund the Vatican, the USCCB, the ultra-progressive Jesuits who support the woke Left, and the entire constellation of “charitable” organizations and NGOs.

Where were Bergoglio and the American Episcopate when Biden supported abortion right up to the moment of birth? Why did they not defend the “infinite dignity” of the innocent and defenseless creatures who are aborted?

Why did they remain silent about the criminal trafficking of violated minors, forced into prostitution, fed to the pedophile elite, and sold to the market of organ predation? Perhaps because the commitment not to talk about abortion and sexual morality is part of the programmatic points of the emails of Hillary Clinton’s advisor, John Podesta, along with the promotion of LGBTQ+ perversions, ecological madness, and ethnic substitution?

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the man who is robbed by bandits and left for dead could today be an American robbed by an illegal immigrant, or a veteran beaten by a gang of teenagers.

Bergoglio does not stop to help him, because he is too busy obeying his masters. The one who stops to treat him, who takes him to the inn at his own expense (and not with taxpayer money), is not a Jesuit NGO or a progressive charity funded by USAID, but rather the Samaritan whom the new doctors of the Law consider a heretic, and who today wears a red hat with the writing MAGA.


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