
Nolte: Disney’s Latest ‘Star Wars’ Streaming Series Sinks Without a Trace

Nolte: Disney’s Latest ‘Star Wars’ Streaming Series Sinks Without a Trace
Skeleton Crew

Skeleton Crew, the latest Star Wars streaming series from Disney, is the grooming syndicate’s biggest failure yet.

Tee hee.

“Skeleton Crew is a flop. It has become the lowest-performing Star Wars project to date,” That Park Place reports. “Not a single episode of Skeleton Crew made it onto Nielsen’s streaming ratings charts—a grim first for the once-unshakable franchise.”

The math is hilarious. Even the first two episodes of the much-hated and ridiculed The Acolyte managed to average 244 million minutes watched. Skeleton Crew could not clear 191 million minutes. The season two finale of The Mandalorian averaged 1.336 billion minutes — with a “b” — for its season finale. Skeleton Crew’s finales averaged less than 30 percent of that.

Did I mention tee hee?

And here is what should worry Disney the most, besides the compromising videos Kathleen Kennedy must have of Disney executives, which is the only way to explain why she hasn’t been fired…

There was no controversy floating around to sink Skeleton Crew. Nowhere did I see any complaints about the usual-usual we get from Kennedy, which is a woke pile of crap filled with homosexuality, pansexuality, and an unnatural obsession with identity politics and pretending fat people are attractive.

So why did Skeleton Crew (which I actually heard some good things about ) bomb?

I’ll tell you why: People are fed up with Star Wars. The curiosity and passion are gone. At first millions of diehard fans loved Star Wars like no other movie franchise in history. Then George Lucas came along with his stillborn prequels and those fans still loved Star Wars. Then The Force Awakens came along and it wasn’t very good but it was still Star Wars so those fans still loved Star Wars. Why? Because Star Wars is Star Wars, fool. Who doesn’t love Star Wars?

But then…

Darth Kennedy launched her crusade to deliberately alienate the diehard fans she saw as toxic, too male, too masculine, and not gay enough. Movie after movie, streaming series after streaming series hurled contempt on the fans and everything they loved about Star Wars, its characters, and its mythology. She didn’t just betray the fans — she trolled them.

And so…

Love turned to tolerance, then to bewilderment, then to frustration, then to anger, and now those who once cared have simply stopped caring.

Even the suck-up trade publications and their hacks in the Penske Death Star stopped caring. Whereas previous Star Wars streaming series earned regular episode recaps at the far-left Deadline or the far-left Hollywood Reporter or the far-left Variety, I didn’t see any of that around Skeleton Crew. I’ve not seen any media hype or hate aimed at Skeleton Crew.





The same thing has happened to the corporate political media. No one cares what CNN, NBC, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, the New York Times, or the Washington Post say about anything anymore. Just like Lucasfilm, they have trolled themselves into irrelevance.

We’re not intimidated by them, we’re not angry with them… We know they hate us. Nevertheless, it’s come to this: We no longer listen to them, and for the same reason, we no longer watch Star Wars.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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