NEW YORK, NY — Saturday Night Live hosted an epic celebration to mark fifty years since the show started and twenty-five years since it was last funny.
The anniversary event included an array of musical guests and cameo appearances, including cast members from decades ago who could actually make people chuckle.
“What an amazing night getting to see actual comedians back at SNL,” said producer Lorne Michaels. “It’s so surreal to hear people laughing again at jokes. I can’t remember this happening since I fired Norm MacDonald. What a treat.”
The event will kick off by celebrating fifty years of SNL with performances from comedy legends such as Steve Martin and Chevy Chase, with nods to several deceased cast members like Gilda Radner and John Belushi. The evening will then honor the twenty-five-year mark since the show was last funny by asking Pete Davidson and Sarah Sherman to say a few words. Finally, Lorne Michaels will reportedly wander around stage for an hour asking people how he still has a job.
At publishing time, SNL had announced it would honor the memory of Norm MacDonald by firing its most talented cast member.
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