
Fact Check: Author Stephen King Spreads Lie Claiming Trump Didn’t Want to Be Photographed with Amputee Veterans

Fact Check: Author Stephen King Spreads Lie Claiming Trump Didn’t Want to Be Photographed with Amputee Veterans

Bestselling novelist, Hollywood producer, and Kamala Harris supporter Stephen King has spread an easily disprovable lie claiming that then-President Donald Trump didn’t want to be photographed with amputee veterans. In fact, Trump took a number of photos with amputee veterans during his time as commander in chief, including one with a quadruple amputee Marine vet in the Oval Office.

Stephen King has not taken down his X post from Thursday in which he made the ridiculous claim. The post has been viewed several million times and reposted thousands of times even though it is false. There also has been no Community Notes correction to King’s post.

Trump didn’t want to be photographed with amputee veterans. He said, “It doesn’t look good for me.”
—John Kelly—

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) August 8, 2024

In 2019, then-President Donald Trump met with Marine Sgt. John Peck, a quadruple amputee who received a double arm implant at Walter Reed. Trump was photographed with Peck in the Oval Office.

#Trump Says: I met Marine Sgt. John Peck, a quadruple amputee who has received a double arm transplant, at Walter Reed in 2017. Today, it was my honor to welcome John (HERO) to the Oval, with his wonderful wife Jessica. He also wrote a book that I highly…

— Troops for Trump (@troopsfortrump) May 13, 2019

Numerous people called out “worthless shit” Stephen King for his blatant lie.

You’re such a lying piece of worthless shit.

— Bad Hombre (@joma_gc) August 8, 2024

🚨MUST WATCH: In 2016, Trump met a disabled supporter born without arms that wanted his prosthetic arm to be autographed.

Trump signed his arm and touched his face so he would feel human contact.

Share this post so people can get to know the REAL Trump hidden by the fake news!

— Bo Loudon (@BoLoudon) June 12, 2024

Stephen King, world-renowned for his works of fiction.

— BLAIRE WHITE (@MsBlaireWhite) August 8, 2024

Stephen King has a history of spreading fake news to smear conservatives and Republicans.

As Breitbart News reported, King falsely claimed back in 2022 that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (D) had signed a bill requiring Florida students and professors to register their political views with the state. The law in question requires public colleges and universities in Florida to perform annual surveys on the subject of “intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity” but participation in the survey is entirely voluntary.

The previous year, the novelist incorrectly claimed that Florida  had 1,200 COVID-19 deaths in just one day in an apparent confusion between reported deaths and actual deaths that occurred that day.

King was referring to reports of the latest CDC figures for Florida, showing an increase of 1,296 deaths on a Thursday from the total reported a day earlier. The figure doesn’t represent deaths that occurred on that Thursday but rather deaths over an undefined period that can go back weeks.

The novelist still hasn’t deleted his incorrect tweet from 2021.

1200 dead of COVID yesterday in Florida.
Not the total for a week or a month, but ONE SINGLE DAY.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) September 10, 2021

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