
W.H.O. Declares Monkeypox a Global Crisis: Here’s What’s Really Going On

W.H.O. Declares Monkeypox a Global Crisis: Here’s What’s Really Going On

The following content is sponsored by The Wellness Company.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared monkeypox a global health emergency. 

For months, we’ve been warning you that something like this was coming — and if you think this is the end, think again. There’s probably more pre-election craziness on the horizon.

Monkeypox Explained

So, how serious is monkeypox? What can you do to prepare? And, perhaps even more importantly, how can you stay sane during these insane times?

Dr. Peter McCullough tackled these issues on The Highwire podcast, hosted by Del Bigtree.

On the plus side, despite the fear-mongering, Dr. McCullough doesn’t see monkeypox as a grave threat — at least not yet.

“Monkeypox does not pose a risk to the average American,” Dr. McCullough asserts, noting that the disease is “very hard to transmit.”

“The CDC told us about a case [of monkeypox] here in Dallas, Texas, last summer,” McCullough told Bigtree. “A man from Africa traveled to Atlanta and then to Dallas. He had many, many contacts… but not a single person contracted it. Not a single person.

So, if monkeypox is so hard to spread, why the global panic? Dr. McCullough offers a chilling perspective.

“In March of 2021, the Nuclear Threat Initiative, which is a think tank out of Washington, met in Munich within Munich Biosecurity Group, and they did a monkeypox bioterrorism tabletop exercise,” McCullough explains.

“There is a timeline in the report from NTI, and the release date of the monkeypox outbreak is scheduled in May of 2022 … when we started to see the monkeypox cases being reported.”

Let that sink in for a moment.

Thwarting the Plan

The globalists have been planning for another pandemic, and monkeypox might be their ticket to imposing more restrictions and stripping away more of your freedoms.

However, there is no reason to live in fear, no reason to subject yourself to dangerous experimental vaccines, and no reason to accept dramatic limitations on your freedoms.

Hope Isn’t a Strategy

Instead of giving in to panic, now is the time to be prepared. Dr. McCullough and his colleagues at The Wellness Company have created a Medical Emergency Kit designed to help you face any health crisis with confidence. This kit includes critical prescription medications — like ivermectin, generic Z-pak, and amoxicillin — that could prove invaluable in an emergency.

You probably already have Tylenol and Nyquil in your home, why not medications that might save your life?

Now more than ever we need to take control of our health and our future. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Arm yourself with the knowledge and tools you need to face whatever comes next.

Remember, the globalists might be determined to create chaos, but with the right preparation, you can stay one step ahead.

Order the Wellness Company’s Medical Emergency Kit today!


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