
Nolte: Another National Poll Shows Kamala Harris Slipping

Nolte: Another National Poll Shows Kamala Harris Slipping

The latest Harvard-Harris poll shows more slippage for incumbent Vice President Kamala Harris in the national polling.

The pollster surveyed 2,358 registered voters between September 4 and 5 and found former President Trump in the lead by one point, 47 to 46 percent. When leaners are added in the race is tied up at 50 percent support for each.

Here’s where things get a little tricky….

The pollster reports that Trump is the one slipping because the previous Harvard-Harris poll showed Trump leading by four points, 52-48 percent.


That previous poll was taken all the way back on July 28, less than a week after Kamala’s successful coup against His Fraudulency Joe Biden.  Back then, though, Trump was leading in all the polls. Another week would pass before billions and billions of dollars in free corporate media propaganda would put Kamala in the lead.


What we really have here is another bad poll for Kamala that shows 1) she got no bump from her vacuous convention, and 2) her overall polling is starting to slip.

In the RealClearPolitics average poll of national polls, Kamala has seen her national lead slip from an average of 1.9 points two weeks ago to just 1.3 points today. On Sunday, the New York Times released a poll showing Trump with a one-point national lead, 48 to 47 percent. This is a poll the fake media and Democrats worship. Trust me, it ruined their weekend.

So now we have a second top pollster with Harvard-Harris showing no lead for Kamala, who has likely peaked and does not have the political skills to recover. She is hiding from the media. She is hiding her policy ideas and agenda. She is hiding from voters. All she does is give canned speeches between the occasional visit to purchase Hate-Spices. She won’t even answer questions from friendly voters in a controlled town hall setting.

Kamala is also slipping in the all-important swing states. What had been an average lead of one-half point has dropped to 0.1 points.

You can argue that these are minuscule differences, but they tell us two things…

First, at best, Kamala’s polling has flat-lined and then dropped into a tie.

Second, based on polling that has underestimated Trump’s support over the last two election cycles and Trump’s closing talents in the last two election cycles, the Harris campaign can and should be worried.

Tuesday night’s debate is also a worry-spot. Kamala cannot handle pressure and has, up until now, displayed no real political skills.

The polling trend is with Trump, and Nate Silver sees Trump’s chances as 62 to 38 percent over CacklyMcNeverBorderCzar.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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