
Venezuela Uses U.N. Perch to Declare Israel Guilty of ‘Greatest Genocide Since Hitler’

Venezuela Uses U.N. Perch to Declare Israel Guilty of ‘Greatest Genocide Since Hitler’

Venezuelan Foreign Affairs Minister Yván Gil spoke at the United Nations on Wednesday, accusing Israel – with the “complicity” of the United States and the European Union – of “the greatest crime of extermination and genocide since the one committed by Hitler.”

Gil addressed the General Assembly in representation of socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro, who chose not to travel to New York. Maduro is actively wanted by U.S. authorities on multiple narco-terrorism charges, with a $15 million bounty on his head:

The Maduro regime representative delivered a speech mainly focused on condemning Israel, with some unsubstantiated attacks against the United States.

The Venezuelan representative also defended other rogue regimes such as Cuba and Iran and called for the lifting of all sanctions imposed on Venezuela and its allies. In the case of Venezuela, Gil justified the lifting of all U.S. sanctions under the alleged terms of an agreement signed in Doha, Qatar, in 2023 between representatives of the Maduro regime and officials from the Biden-Harris administration.

Gil also accused America and its “satellite and servile governments” of imposing a “false narrative” on Venezuela in light of the Maduro regime’s July 28 sham presidential election, which Maduro fraudulently insists he “won” despite the regime’s continued refusal to publish voter data that can corroborate the dictator’s claimed “victory.”

“As we speak in this Assembly, bombs are being dropped on Gaza, where Israel has murdered tens of thousands of innocent girls, boys, women and men, with the complicity of the governments of the United States of America and the European Union,” Gil claimed. “The greatest crime of extermination and genocide since the one committed by Hitler in the Second World War is currently being perpetrated.”

Gil also referred to the series of pager explosions apparently targeting Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon — which the Maduro regime officially condemned last week and which Israel has not formally claimed responsibility for — as a “new form of terrorism” and declared that “Israel has truly become a death machine that must be stopped immediately.”

The Foreign Minister also accused “those most powerful” of wanting to bring war to “great Russia” following the “defeat of Ukraine and their Nazi adventure.”

Gil made special mention of Venezuela’s over 120-year-old territorial dispute with Guyana over the Essequibo territory, accusing the “British Empire” of plundering the land from the country in 1899. The minister claimed that the Venezuelan people gave the rogue socialist regime an “unavoidable mandate” in a highly fraudulent election held in December 2023 to “recover” the disputed territory.

While the International Court of Justice (ICJ) is “years away” from issuing a final ruling on the dispute, Gil reiterated to the U.N. the Maduro regime’s position of “never recognizing” the court’s jurisdiction in the case, “nor any decision it may adopt on this matter.”

The minister dedicated a portion of his speech to call for an end to U.S. sanctions on Venezuela and its allied regimes, such as Belarus, North Korea, Cuba, Iran, Nicaragua, and Syria and accused the United States of “stalking” independent nations such as “brave Cuba and blessed and always free Nicaragua.”

Gil claimed that dictator Nicolás Maduro was “reelected with clear and overwhelming support” in the July 28 sham election, whose fraudulent results have been greatly called into question by the international community.

While the Maduro regime unleashed a brutal crackdown against dissidents who protested against his claim to victory, which left 27 deaths and more than 2,400 detained, Gil claimed that the Venezuelan “oligarchy” is responsible for the “violence” and the deaths and wounded. The reference to “oligarchy” was not to Maduro’s close-knit associates in charge of the country, but to the persecuted opposition.

“With the use of criminal gangs, they set up barricades, burned schools, hospitals, and public institutions, and assassinated ordinary citizens for their political affiliations,” Gil claimed, without evidence. “None of this will be reported in the mainstream media.”

“Worse still, neither will the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, who, despite having received all the information about these criminal acts … has preferred to turn the victims into perpetrators and the perpetrators into victims,” he continued.

The foreign minister accused the United States of being at the forefront of a purported “coup” plot against Maduro and of planning “from the state of Florida” terrorist attacks against the rogue socialists. Gil claimed that Venezuela caught “U.S. and European mercenaries” allegedly plotting to assassinate Maduro and other members of his regime.

“More than 400 rifles of different types have also been seized, some of them produced for the exclusive use of the U.S. Armed Forces,” Gil claimed, adding that “in the coming weeks our government will present additional and much stronger evidence of what happened, which we are certain will shock the world.”

The minister concluded by claiming that, no matter who represents the United States at next year’s U.N. General Assembly, Venezuela “will continue to be present in this forum under the firm leadership of President Nicolás Maduro Moros, as we stand determined to resist U.S. imperialism.”

Christian K. Caruzo is a Venezuelan writer and documents life under socialism. You can follow him on Twitter here.


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