
Establishment in Austria Is Working To Keep Right Wing Freedom Party Victors From Power, and Enact a ‘Coalition of Losers’ in Its Place

Establishment in Austria Is Working To Keep Right Wing Freedom Party Victors From Power, and Enact a ‘Coalition of Losers’ in Its Place
Austrian Freedom Party won Last Sunday’s elections with 29% of the votes.

As Europe shift right, the ‘mainstream’ parties (a.k.a. Globalists) are scrambling to find ways to keep the right-wing victors in the elections out of power, regardless of whether the will of the people will be respected or not.

We have seen this phenomenon in France, on the Netherlands and many other countries – and now, in Austria – where the Freedom Party managed a historic victory.

Today (5), the head of the Austrian Freedom Party (FPO) is urging other parties to accept that he should lead the next government, and warned them against forming a ‘coalition of losers’.

Herbert Kickl led his euroskeptic FPO led to win about 29% of the vote in last Sunday’s election.

But it’s ‘all hands on deck’ now on Austria’s establishment to keep him away from power.

Read: JUST IN: Austria’s Right Wing ‘Freedom Party’ Receives Most Votes in Today’s Election – Exit Polls

Reuters reported:

“[The Freedom Party] is still well short of a majority. That means it would need to assemble a coalition to control most seats in parliament and form a stable government. The only party that has left the door open to a coalition, the ruling conservative People’s Party (OVP), has ruled out joining a government with Kickl in it.

‘I believe a coalition of losers would be an absolutely fatal signal to voters’, Kickl said in a statement to the media after he met President Alexander Van der Bellen on Friday, adding that it would be a ‘slap in the face’ to the electorate.”

The FPO is slandered as ‘far-right’ for having Nazi ties way back in the 1950’s – but the real problem for Globalists is that Kickl opposes aid to present-day Nazis in Ukraine.

The FPO also wants sanctions against Russia withdrawn, because – as every thinking person has understood by now – ‘they hurt Austria more than Moscow’.

FPO’s ‘Austria First’ policies are meant to curb unchecked mass migration and lift the economy, but Globalists want impoverished countries filled with illegals.

Kickl repeated his election night statement that ‘his party’s hand is outstretched to the four others in parliament’ and that he believes voters gave the FPO a mandate to govern.

“The OVP is in a position to be kingmaker since in principle it could either give the FPO a majority as junior partner to it in a ruling coalition or lead a separate, three-way coalition with the Social Democrats (SPO) and a smaller party.”

President Van der Bellen is a former leader of the decadent and unpopular Greens. He will oversee the formation of the new government, and is holding one-on-one meetings with party leaders in the order they came in the election.

Kickl said the atmosphere in the meeting with the President was ‘pleasant’ and the discussion open – but it is known that the Green leftist leader also wants to block him from power.

“’We as the FPO want to lead the next government, with me as our FPO lead candidate at the helm as chancellor’, Kickl said.”

Read more:

After Freedom Party Won the Elections in Austria, Globalists Scramble To Shut Them Out of Power, While Orbán, Le Pen, Wilders and Other European Conservatives Celebrate


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