A 64-year-old woman is accused of plying two young boys with booze after paying them $5 to clear her snow — then sexually assaulting one who was so drunk he vomited, according to cops.
Cops responding to a reported burglary late last Thursday found the boys, thought to be only 12 or 13, staggering along a Pittsburgh sidewalk and “speaking in a nonsensical way,” according to a police report obtained by The Post.
They told officers that “a lady had just got them drunk and touched them,” the document said.
The boys said that Rochelle Stewart had offered to pay them $5 to clear snow from outside her home — then invited them in for hot chocolate. She instead started plying them with booze, they alleged.

One of the boys alleged that Stewart refilled his glass with vodka “more times than he could count,” causing him to throw up — just for her to still pour more drinks, the documents said.
Stewart curled up next to the drunk child on her couch, put her leg over his and “tried to touch his d–k,” the other boy told cops, saying he filmed the alleged assault on his phone.
The pair fled, but left a coat behind — returning just as police arrived, the documents said.
Stewart appeared to forget that she was the one who called cops to a reported burglary and refused to answer her front door, instead watching officers speak to the kids from her second-floor window, the documents said.

When she eventually came down, Stewart seemed “extremely intoxicated” — and changed her story, saying that instead of burglars the boys were drug dealers pulling a prank.
When police searched Stewart’s home, they found the boy’s jacket on her couch — and a half gallon of vodka half-drunk in the kitchen.
Stewart was arrested and charged with indecent assault, corruption of minors and making false reports to law enforcement, according to Allegheny County court records.