
Hegseth Kicks Ass: Confirm Him Now

Hegseth Kicks Ass: Confirm Him Now

Pete Hegseth has begun his hearings for Secretary of Defense. He needs to be confirmed because let’s face it: Pete is awesome.

Democrats are determined they are going to club his nomination.

None of that is going to happen. Hegseth is going to be confirmed. He’s a military colonel who went to Princeton. The attempt to claim that “he’s just a Fox host” is garbage. It’s not true.

He has all the right principles for DOD. He wants to come in and clean house.

And — he also happens to have all the right enemies.

The people who despise Hegseth the most are members of the far-Left — people who want to weaken the military, people who seem very happy, for example, with the botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

The Hegseth hearings began with a lot of fireworks because some of the Code Pink protesters showed up. They lined up, all wearing idiotic uniforms and carrying signs that said things like, “No Hegseth, no Crusade” and “No Hegseth, No Christian Jihad.”

Stop, guys; I already support him. You can’t do anything to make me support him any more.

WATCH: The Ben Shapiro Show

Hegseth’s opening statement was exactly what you would expect from him, which is to say it was excellent and articulate, including all the right principles.

Hegseth praised the Lord for his nomination. You could see Democrats’ heads exploding because he mentioned Jesus.

This is great. You have a man of faith who is actually leading the Department of Defense. I think that’s a very good thing. He stated:

I’m not a perfect person, as has been acknowledged. By the grace of God, by Jesus and Jenny [his wife]. I’m not a perfect person. But redemption is real. And God forged me in ways that I know I’m prepared for. And I’m honored by the people standing and sitting behind me. And I look forward to leading this Pentagon on behalf of the war fighters.

Then, he proceeded to talk about some of his policy prescriptions. He spoke of the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal:

There’s been no accountability for the disaster of the withdrawal in Afghanistan. And that’s precisely why we’re here today. Leadership has been unwilling to take accountability, and it’s the time to restore that to our most senior ranks.

Hegseth also talked about getting rid of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a priority at the DOD. He said it needs to be a lethal, war-fighting machine, not an initiative for making people feel better about their woke choices. He said:

Our standards will be high, and they will be equal (not equitable, that is a very different word). We need to make sure every warrior is fully qualified on their assigned weapon system, every pilot is fully qualified and current on the aircraft they are flying, and every general or flag officer is selected for leadership based purely on performance, readiness, and merit. Leaders—at all levels—will be held accountable. And warfighting and lethality—and the readiness of the troops and their families—will be our only focus.

Hegseth suggested our top priorities include winning a nuclear war. He also declared, “I support Israel killing every last member of Hamas.” That sounds good to me, and it should sound good to civilized people everywhere.

We have serious issues on the table. We have a continued war in Ukraine. We have Iran still making moves in the Middle East. We have Turkey now making incursions into Syria.

But we also have the possibility of protecting Taiwan from Chinese predations and containing Chinese predation. We have the possibility of standing up to the Iranian terror fighting nexus and Turkish operations.

This is a moment of opportunity for the United States military — if we can seize it, if we can change our procurement processes, if we can change how we actually recruit, if we can change how the American war machine works.

Hegseth is going to go in there with a chainsaw and cut a lot of the deadwood.

He’s a threat to the system, which is precisely why he deserves our support.

Another thing: If they thought they would destroy him in this hearing, they were out of their damned minds.

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