Welcome to The Gateway Pundit’s Week-in-Review with Elijah Schaffer, where he covers the top 5 stories throughout the last 24 hours.
➤ Wrinkle Filler: What would you say if I told you, you can look DECADES YOUNGER with one simple trick? Dr. Layke has released a step-by-step video to the public — free and uninterrupted — where he outlines exactly how to use this simple solution from home. You can find out more about this yourself right now by going to: https://www.BHMD1.com/Pundit TODAY!
ARTICLE 4: REPORT: Trump Wants to Fire Federal Employees Who Refuse to Return to Working in Offices
➤ Olive Oil: Olive oil can give you SOME benefits… but if you’re looking to get the BEST results, it matters a LOT which one you pick. You’re probably used to cooking with it, but there are countless ways to use olive oil to help yourself LOOK and FEEL younger. Watch the video on how YOU can do that RIGHT NOW by going to https://www.GetOlive1.com/Pundit!
Please leave your opinions / comments on these stories below as Elijah reads every single one and appreciates your perspective.