
MUST WATCH: Alex Jones Confronts Former NIH Head Over COVID Crimes Against Humanity… He Then Nods His Head?

MUST WATCH: Alex Jones Confronts Former NIH Head Over COVID Crimes Against Humanity… He Then Nods His Head?

Alex Jones / X

The formidable Alex Jones confronted Francis Collins, the former director of the National Institute for Health, accusing him of “crimes against humanity” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During the exchange, Jones went up to Collins and asked him about his rolling in pushing the dodgy COVID vaccines that he says killed 20 million people.

Here is a transcript of the exchange:

JONES: Hey Mr. Collins. How are you doing?

COLLINS: I’m good, how are you?

JONES: I’m good. 20 million plus people dead from those shots. The truth is coming out about you and Fauci. How does it feel to kill more people than Hitler? You’ll never get away with what you did.

Collins then walked away from Jones after nodding his head awkwardly.

Watch the clip below:

It is not the first time that Collins, who was one of the most powerful figures behind America’s COVID response, has been confronted on behalf of those injured by the dodgy vaccines.

Just last month, a victim personally approached Collins at a restaurant and said: “Hey Dr. Collins. You and Ralph Baric and Anthony Fauci deserve to be in prison for the rest of your lives.”

“You have so much blood on your hands, I hope you sleep well at night. And remember the name Breanne Dressen because you left her stranded after she was severely injured by the COVID vaccine.”

Back in May, Collins admitted that there had never been any evidence for the “social distancing” guidelines that were enforced across America and made normal life impossible.

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Former NIH Director Admits There Was No Evidence For ‘Social Distancing’ During COVID Pandemic

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The post MUST WATCH: Alex Jones Confronts Former NIH Head Over COVID Crimes Against Humanity… He Then Nods His Head? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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