
Nolte: Far-Left Target Stores Face Backlash After DEI Retreat

Nolte: Far-Left Target Stores Face Backlash After DEI Retreat

Far-left Target is facing a glorious customer backlash after retreating from its fascist DEI programs.

If you recall, back in 2023, the groomers at Target used Pride Week as an excuse to queer little children, including drag shows featuring little kids. Target even went so far as to hire a Satanist to design a Gay Pride clothing line.

This is a once-respected company that went entirely off the rails, and the backlash among us Normal People was brutal.

Well, now that President Trump has signed an executive order outlawing the bigotry of DEI, Target has supposedly rolled back some of its racist hiring practices. But because Target alienated us Normal People, a large part of the retailer’s remaining customers are leftists. In other words, Target painted itself into a corner when it lost its Normal People customers. Now the big box store must keep its customer base of leftists happy.

Well, that’s not easy to do. We Normal People want politics out of things like shopping and sports, which makes us pretty easy to please. Leftists, however, demand you prove your fealty by championing their politics 24/7, and any retreat on this will result in a brutal backlash. So all I can say to Target is, Ha ha, you got this coming…

“Jamal Bryant, a prominent pastor in Atlanta, has called for a 40-day boycott of Target beginning in March,” reports far-left CNN. “More than 50,000 have signed the online pledge.”

“We have witnessed a disturbing retreat from Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives by major corporations.  The greatest insult comes from Target,” the petition reads.

Tee hee.

Target has also seen a noticeable drop in foot traffic after announcing its DEI rollback.

“Foot traffic to Target’s stores increased annually for four consecutive weeks, but dropped 4% annually for the week of January 27, three days after Target’s announcement,” CNN adds. “Target bet customers would not punish the chain for making similar changes, but it miscalculated,” said Scott Bisang, a partner at Connected Strategies, a communications firm.

And here is the bottom line…

“Target misjudged their customer base,” Bisang explained to CNN. Target “underestimated how annoyed people would get because (Target) saw other companies survive it and get past it.”



That was always the trap…

  1. Out your leftism to the world
  2. Make Normal People flee your business
  3. Leave yourself with only far-leftists as a customer base
  4. Watch yourself crumble as you try to appease that unappeasable customer base
  5. LOL at all your subsequent financial woes and layoffs

We did this to corporate America, we did this to the corporate media, and we’ve done it to the Democratic Party.

All three of those institutions are cornered. They either appease the left (which ensures they continue to alienate Normal People, which ensures they can no longer influence Normal People) or go out of business.

This is so much fun to watch.

Queering kids is pure evil. Those who engage in such behavior deserve to go out of business.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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