
San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO)

A police officer dressed in a chicken suit attempts to catch drivers breaking the law. (Credit: SFGate YouTube screenshot)

The nuttiest ideas in America tend to come from the People’s Republic of San Francisco, and this latest stunt ranks up there as the craziest.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported earlier this week that city police officers have started dressing up in inflatable chicken costumes to catch drivers breaking the law while driving. On Monday morning, San Francisco police Lt. Jonathan Ozol wore one of these inflatable costumes as he awkwardly tried to navigate a crosswalk on Alemany Boulevard.

The purpose of this stunt was to issue tickets to drivers who disobeyed state law by not yielding to pedestrians. The department reported that a good number of drivers failed to do so.


Police Captain Amy Hurwitz told the San Francisco Chronicle she is confident the exercise will stop drivers from running people over.

“I don’t want them to get run over,” she said. “But the costume is so bright, it’s like, how can you miss it?”

One can be forgiven for thinking there are far more pressing issues impacting San Francisco and that the police department should not waste taxpayer dollars putting their officers in embarrassing costumes. San Francisco has been plagued with massive homeless and drug problems for years while criminals have run wild thanks to Marxist local officials refusing to enforce basic laws.

Residents and businesses have been fleeing the area for years, and those who stay need a map to know how to avoid human feces in the street.

Social media users unsurprisingly had some savage thoughts regarding this stunt:

The post San Francisco Police Are Dressing Up in Chicken Costumes to ‘Fight’ Crime and Social Media Replies Are Savage (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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