
THE ABDUL HOAX: “a Person Who Doesn’t Exist” – Media Leftists “Fake Fact-Check” Trump On Taliban Leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, Get DESTROYED by X Users (VIDEO)

THE ABDUL HOAX: “a Person Who Doesn’t Exist” – Media Leftists “Fake Fact-Check” Trump On Taliban Leader Abdul Ghani Baradar, Get DESTROYED by X Users (VIDEO)

The leftwing media has come out with their latest hoax, deceiving voters by claiming Taliban leader Abdul Ghani Baradar “doesn’t exist” and is just a made-up person who Trump referenced during his first debate with Kamala Harris.

This is one of the several dishonest “fact checks” of Trump’s debate performance in addition to the moderators’ many one-sided fact-checks against Trump mid-debate.

During the debate, Trump reminded the country, “The Taliban was killing our soldiers, with snipers, a lot of them, with snipers… I got involved. And Abdul is the head of the Taliban. He is still the head of the Taliban, and I told Abdul, ‘Don’t do it anymore. You do it anymore, you’re going to have problems.’ And he said, ‘Why do you send me a picture of my house?’ I said, ‘You’re going to have to figure that out, Abdul.’ And for 18 months we had nobody killed.”

Trump has told this story numerous times in recent years while speaking about his foreign policy and record of world peace.

Prior to the debate, Abdul was a very real person and co-founder of the Taliban. According to Al Jazeera, following Joe Biden’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, which killed 13 US Servicemembers in 2021, Abdul was “named as the deputy leader in the new caretaker government of Afghanistan… Popularly known as Mullah Baradar, he emerged as the Taliban’s number two after the death of Mullah Mohammad Omar in 2013.”

The Gateway Pundit reported in August 2021 that Abdul Ghani Baradar was appointed leader by the Taliban and will be taking control of the government.

Taliban Declares Victory and Announces ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ From Presidential Palace (VIDEO)

But now that Trump mentioned Abdul in a debate with Kamala, Abdul Ghani Baradar is a “person who doesn’t exist,” according to leftist crank Joy Ried. Nicole Wallace added, “No one can really confirm who this Taliban person named Abdul is, who he said he talked to.”

MSNBC reacted to Trump’s mention of Abdul during the debate in a coordinated, clueless fashion:

Ried: This is the part where Donald Trump invented someone. He invented a person who doesn’t exist in addition to the people he says are eating dogs. This is another person who doesn’t exist. His name is Abdul… Maybe the reason that VP Harris is looking at him that way is that she’s probably thinking, maybe he should go back to the old folks home and have a bowl of Jello. Or she might also be thinking herself, “no, no, no, the head of the Taliban’s name is not Abdul” It is Hibatullah Akhundzada. So, maybe he couldn’t remember that. You know, I had to write it down to know it. You’re thoughts on his response in making up Abdul as a person that isn’t real?

Wallace: No one can really confirm who this Taliban person named Abdul is, who he said he talked to.


CNN also made fun of Trump, implying he’s a racist and just chose an Arab-sounding name, on their new “comedy show”:

However, just a few years ago, the same leftist media outlets referred to Abdul Ghani Baradar as “the man who now leads the Taliban in Afghanistan.” Mike Pence also confirmed that President Trump spoke with Abdul, and “he knew President Trump meant business.”

Watch below via Tim Cramer:

TikTok just banned this video.

Just 53 more days, folks.

— Tim Cramer (@CramerSez) September 13, 2024

Other viral X posts shredded the Democrats and leftist media for pushing this hoax:

The dishonest, corrupt media in all of their glory.

“There is no Abdul. Trump made it up.”

In 2021, before the botched withdrawal, Biden’s CIA Director met with the same Abdul that they now claim doesn’t exist.

Share this far and wide. Someone should get it to Trump.

— MAZE (@mazemoore) September 13, 2024

Before the debate, Abdul Ghani Baradar was the leader and co-founder of the Taliban.

After Trump mentioned him during the debate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and Nicole Wallace now claim he isn’t real.

These are the same people pushing to censor “misinformation and disinformation.”

— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) September 13, 2024

A ‘national security analyst’ as it says in her profile, doesn’t realize that the founder of the Taliban, is in fact named, “Abdul.” Full name is Abdul Ghani Baradar. Hard to believe the complete ignorance of the people in ‘control’ right now. Wow.

— John Rich (@johnrich) September 12, 2024


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