Democrats remain puzzled as to why Donald Trump won reelection.
The answer, for those of us who’ve been watching politics for the last 20 years, is pretty obvious: The Democrats did it. They decided to scorn the American people. They decided to label all the people in America who disagree with them as “bitter clingers” and “deplorables.” They decided going to church was a mark of someone’s stupidity. They decided Americans were racist, sexist, bigots, and homophobes in the cockles of their heart. They decided that all of the auspices of American government had to be brought to pressure Americans into their version of virtue, complete with signaling such as pronoun-signaling.
And yet they remain absolutely puzzled as to why Americans aren’t buying what they are selling?
It must be the stupidity of Americans, they would say. It can’t be that they chose every wrong position it’s possible to take in American politics, and now the American people have rejected them.
Oh, no. Not that.
A perfect example of this came out yesterday, courtesy of our friend and leading conservative activist Chris Rufo.
The job of the National Security Agency (NSA) is to collect, analyze, and share intelligence to protect the United States from foreign enemies. As it turns out, like many other institutions in American government and American public life, the NSA has been honeycombed with leftist nonsense, absolute tripe, and, in this case, perverse, disgusting, and pornographic leftist tripe.
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Rufo reports that sources within the NSA — one current employee and one former employee — provided chat logs from the NSA’s interlink messaging program. Rufo writes:
We have cultivated sources within the National Security Agency—one current employee and one former employee—who have provided chat logs from the NSA’s Intelink messaging program. According to an NSA press official, “All NSA employees sign agreements stating that publishing non-mission related material on Intelink is a usage violation and will result in disciplinary action.” Nonetheless, these logs, dating back two years, are lurid, featuring wide-ranging discussions of sex, kink, polyamory, and castration.
During their government employment using government networks, they have been talking about their particular fetishes. This is supposed to be part of the “equity agenda.” The equity agenda is to make sure that people who are sexually diverse staff the NSA. That’s the important thing — not stopping foreign threats, not monitoring terrorist groups. The important thing is that weirdos who think it’s some sort of turn on to cut off their genitals can talk to one another.
For the Left, our institutions are about reshaping the human beings who go into them and then using those reshaped human beings to reshape the United States of America. The institutions are not about fulfilling the delegated functions of those institutions.
The Department of Education is not about educating children. The Department of Education is about creating pipelines to Left-wing interest groups that then reshape the nature of the American body politic. And apparently, the NSA is about providing a safe space for people to discuss having their butthole zapped with lasers.
I’m not kidding.
Then, according to Rufo, these employees are presumably able to use their access to foreign intelligence and domestic intelligence in order to target political enemies.
He continues:
One popular chat topic was male-to-female transgender surgery, which involves surgically removing the penis and turning it into an artificial vagina. “[M]ine is everything,” said one male who claimed to have had gender reconstruction surgery. “[I]’ve found that i like being penetrated (never liked it before GRS), but all the rest is just as important as well.” Another intelligence official boasted that genital surgery allowed him “to wear leggings or bikinis without having to wear a gaff under it.”
These employees discussed hair removal, estrogen injections, and the experience of sexual pleasure post-castration. “[G]etting my butthole zapped by a laser was . . . shocking,” said one transgender-identifying intel employee who spent thousands on hair removal. “Look, I just enjoy helping other people experience boobs,” said another about estrogen treatments. “[O]ne of the weirdest things that gives me euphoria is when i pee, i don’t have to push anything down to make sure it aims right,” a Defense Intelligence Agency employee added.
Do you feel safer? Do you feel that your church, synagogue, school, and public arena are now protected from terrorists?
After all, defense intelligence employees are quite happy they can sit when they pee safely.
Rufo continues:
According to our sources, the sex chats were legitimized as part of the NSA’s commitment to “diversity, equity and inclusion.” Activists within the agency used LGBTQ+ “employee resource groups” to turn their kinks and pathologies into official work duties. According to the current NSA employee, these groups “spent all day” recruiting activists and holding meetings with titles such as “Privilege,” “Ally Awareness,” “Pride,” and “Transgender Community Inclusion.” And they did so with the full support of NSA leadership, which declared that DEI was “not only mission critical, but mission imperative.”
In this case, “diversity” was not a byword for racialism, but rather a euphemism for sex talk. Last January, chatroom members discussed their practice of polyamory, or “ethical non-monogamy.” “[A] polycule is a polyamorous group,” one employee explained. “A is my [girlfriend], and B-G are her partners. . . . then B&C are dating but not C&D, nor E, F, or G with any of the others, though there are several MWB (metas-with-benefits) connections.” Another employee claimed to be part of a nine-member “polycule,” adding that “some of our friends are practically poly-mers, with all the connected compounds.”
Rufo told me, “They have vitriolic feelings towards conservatives in particular. Two names that came up, of course, were Chaya Raichik of Libs of Tick Tock fame and the one and only Ben Shapiro. And they were going ballistic. I mean, they said at one point that you should be expelled from the tribe for constantly spouting hate speech. … The Trump administration is very concerned about this. … I can tell you that I’ve had phone calls and signal messages from not only the NSA, but the CIA and the Director of National Intelligence staff. And so they want to get to the bottom of this. I’m told that they’re going to be taking significant action.”
It’s easy to say, “It’s bad apples who have gotten involved in various chats with their kinks, in their anger at various conservatives.” But there really is something else going on here, which is that throughout our federal government, when Joe Biden said “equity” was going to dictate all policy throughout these federal agencies, he was not joking. That is reflected in this kind of insanity at the staffing level.
“The problem is quite deep because between the Obama administration and then the Biden administration, you have a huge sweep of time in which Left-wing gender activists seemingly hijacked not just the Department of Education or Department of Environmental Protection, but, in fact, the core agencies of our national security apparatus,” Rufo commented. “This should be a five-alarm fire for policymakers; it creates a huge vulnerability, in addition to the simple ideological problems that are obvious to all.”
When all of these radicals who are motivated to actually go after their enemies have the tools to do so, the possibility of actual malfeasance using the tools of law enforcement starts to grow exponentially.
“In theory, the NSA could listen to every phone call you make, could read every text message or email that you write,” Rufo said. “And in theory, this could be deployed by bad actors within the agency against domestic enemies. We know for a fact because of these chat logs, that they have very clear enemies who are in American politics. They’re unanimously conservative. And so I think that it is not beyond concern to fear that some of these tools could be deployed against domestic enemies. This is something that we should be on guard for.”
What does all of this mean in practical terms?
It means that Americans who are not fond of their institutions and believe them to be fundamentally broken are absolutely correct.
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