
Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Tim Walz After J.D. Vance Torches Him in Debate Showdown — Here are the Details

Trump Campaign Fact-Checks Tim Walz After J.D. Vance Torches Him in Debate Showdown — Here are the Details
Credit: CBS News

J.D. Vance delivered a devastating verbal takedown of Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, and the Trump campaign wasted no time fact-checking Walz’s blunders.

Trump’s campaign co-managers Susie Wiles and Chris Lacivita congratulated J.D. Vance on his dominant debate victory.

“Senator Vance unequivocally won tonight’s debate in dominating fashion. It was the best debate performance from any Vice-Presidential candidate in history.

Senator Vance spoke the truth, eloquently prosecuted the case against Kamala Harris’ failed record, and effectively held Governor Tim Walz accountable for his lies on behalf of the Harris-Biden Administration.

Senator Vance also perfectly articulated the Trump-Vance vision to make America safe again with their plan to launch the largest mass deportation operation in history; to make America strong again with a peace through strength foreign policy agenda; and to make America wealthy again by cutting taxes, unleashing American energy dominance, and ending inflation.

Tonight, Senator Vance proved why President Trump chose him as his running mate. Together, they make the strongest and most dynamic presidential ticket ever, and they are going to win on November 5th.”

Vance’s debate performance made it abundantly clear: Americans cannot afford four more years of Kamala Harris’s disastrous leadership, and Walz did nothing to change that.

According to Trump’s campaign:

Tonight, Senator JD Vance succinctly outlined the Trump-Vance plan for restoring prosperity, safety, and security to the American people after four years of destruction at the hands of Kamala Harris.

Tampon Tim Walz, meanwhile, humiliated himself by offering the same failed, weak, radical leftism that has failed us — unable to answer the most basic question: why hasn’t Kamala done any of what she’s proposing during her 3.5 years in the White House?

Here are the most memorable moments:

  • Walz nodded in agreement when Vance said Kamala “enabled the Mexican drug cartels to operate freely in this country.”
  • Vance fact checked CBS’s “fact check” on Kamala’s app that allows unvetted illegal aliens to enter the country — and CBS got so annoyed, they cut off his microphone.
  • Vance questioned why Kamala hasn’t done anything she is proposing: “Kamala Harris has been the vice president for three-and-a-half years. She’s had the opportunity to enact all of these ‘great’ policies — and what she’s actually done instead is drive the cost of food higher by 25%, drive the cost of housing higher by 60%, open the American southern border, and make middle class life unaffordable.”
  • Vance cooked Walz on the economic records of President Trump and Kamala Harris: “You have to pretend that Donald Trump didn’t deliver rising take home pay, you have to pretend Donald Trump didn’t deliver lower inflation and you have to simultaneously defend Kamala Harris’ atrocious economic record.”
  • Walz denied Kamala Harris has let millions of illegal aliens invade the country after she decimated President Trump’s border security.
  • Walz was unable to name a single thing Kamala has done for the middle class during her tenure.
  • Walz bizarrely claimed he has “become friends with school shooters.”
  • Walz lied about President Trump’s tariffs — many of which were so successful, the Harris-Biden administration kept them in place.
  • Walz dodged the fact that most Americans trust President Trump on the economy.
  • Tiananmen Tim humiliated himself trying to explain why he lied about being in Hong Kong during the Tiananmen Square massacre — when he was actually in Nebraska.
  • Walz refused to say if he supports ANY limits on abortion-on-demand — after he legalized unrestricted abortion-on-demand until birth in Minnesota.
  • Walz lied about a law he signed in Minnesota eliminating the requirement to provide lifesaving care for babies born alive following botched abortions.
  • Walz admitted he “learned a lot of what needed to be in governance” from communist China.
  • Vance called out Walz for his support of censoring the views of Americans with whom he disagrees.
  • Vance scorched the Harris-Biden administration’s appeasement of the Iranian regime.
  • Walz denied Kamala — who supported mandatory gun confiscation — is “taking your guns.”

Walz made clear why Americans will reject the Harris-Walz ticket in November:Kamala Harris has had three-and-a-half years in the White House — and Americans are worse off because of it.

Why would Americans reward her with another term?

The Trump campaign wasted no time fact-checking the liberal governor’s baseless claims in real-time. Here are the fact checks from Trump’s campaign:

FACT CHECK: Walz Is An Open Borders Radical — Just Like Kamala

Walz is lying about the border after Kamala unleashed the worst border invasion in modern history — and it’ll be much, much worse if the two are elected.

Walz has done everything possible to bring the open border to Minnesota:

  • Walz backed mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
  • Walz refused to call Kamala’s unprecedented border invasion a “crisis.”
  • Walz wants to provide “ladder[s]” to aid illegal immigrants in scaling the border wall.
  • Walz signed legislation giving illegal aliens free, taxpayer-funded health care and college.
  • Walz signed legislation allowing illegal aliens to get driver’s licenses and title vehicles.
  • Walz opened an “Office of New Americans,” which spends taxpayer dollars “solely on supporting immigrant and refugee integration” in the sanctuary state.
  • Walz bragged about mass migration overwhelming a small Minnesota town.
  • Walz fully supports “sanctuary cities” and “sanctuary states.”

Kamala has done everything possible to decimate American border security:

  • Kamala admitted her policy was to “undo” President Trump’s successful border security — and she made good on that promise. On day one, she terminated almost every Trump policy by halting the border wall, suspending deportations, terminating ‘Remain in Mexico,’ implementing catch-and-release, and more.
  • In 2021, Kamala was crowned “border czar” and illegal border crossings went one way: UP. The average number of illegal border crossings each month has nearly tripled under Kamala (196,000/month) over President Trump, while the number of illegals released into the country went from two-digit monthly releases under President Trump to five- and six-digit monthly releases under Kamala — and that doesn’t include the illegals she ferried in through her phone app and migrant flights.
  • Kamala handed control of the border to the brutal cartels and gangs who haveexploited the crisis to expand their grip. Mexican cartels are now making 26 TIMES as much as they made in 2018 while the infamous Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang builds a “criminal empire” in the U.S.
  • President Trump didn’t need a “border bill” to secure the border — and Democrats don’t either. It was a MASS AMNESTY bill that would have put illegal aliens on a fast-track to citizenship, established a first-ever minimum number of illegals who must be imported (1.8+ million per year), funneled millions of dollars to left-wing organizations that enable human trafficking, and more.

A Harris-Walz presidency would take it ten steps further if they are elected in November — granting mass amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, giving taxpayer-funded health care to illegal aliens, and more.

  • Harris-Walz will make every state a “sanctuary state.”
  • Harris-Walz will grant MASS AMNESTY to tens of millions of illegals already in the country.
  • Harris-Walz will decriminalize illegal border crossings.
  • Harris-Walz will give taxpayer-funded health care coverage to illegal immigrants.
  • Harris-Walz will shutter immigration detention centers and release thousands of criminals.

FACT CHECK: Harris-Walz’s NO GROWTH Energy Future

A Harris-Walz presidency guarantees a NO-GROWTH FUTURE — with windmills, solar panels, and massive national energy taxes.

The Harris-Walz energy agenda would have devastating effects on key states like Pennsylvania — the third-largest fossil fuel producing state, where the oil and natural gas industry directly accounts for 93,000+ jobs and supports hundreds of thousands more. 

The Harris-Walz energy agenda would destroy Pennsylvania’s economy as we know it:

Tim Walz takes Kamala’s destructive positions even further to the left:

Britain already followed the Harris-Walz route on “net zero,” which led to their worst peacetime economic growth since 1780 and explosive electricity costs for consumers and businesses.

Nationwide, electricity prices have already surged 30%+ under Harris — but Harris-Walz will make it exponentially worse.

FACT CHECK: The Costs Of Harris-Walz

The Harris-Walz economic “vision” for the country is a trifecta of destruction that includes tax hikes, energy spikes, and inflation bites.

 Tim Walz and Kamala Harris haven’t met a tax hike they didn’t like — and a Harris-Walz presidency would be a trifecta of tax increases that hit hardworking Americans right where it already hurts.




  • Americans are already paying far higher prices under Kamala thanks to Kamala’s inflationary spending — and a Harris-Walz presidency would send them much higher.

If you think four years of Harris-Biden is bad, that’s nothing compared to four years of Harris-Walz.

FACT CHECK: Tim Walz Holds Deeps Ties to Communist China

Tim Walz has spent decades visiting, worshiping China

FACT CHECK: Walz Repeatedly Lied About His Own National Guard Service

Walz abandoned his National Guard battalion, then spent decades lying about his record for political gain.

Walz lied about his own National Guard service: 

  • Walz repeatedly claimed he was a “command sergeant major” to advance his political career, even though he did not fulfill the duties required to maintain that rank before his retirement — and when it was brought to the attention of his congressional office, Walz ignored it.
    • The Harris-Walz campaign’s own website described him as a “retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard” before scrubbing the language after the lie was exposed.
  • Walz abandoned his own battalion just as they were about to deploy to Iraq so he could run for Congress — leaving them “hanging” in a move his fellow service members called “cowardly.”
  • Walz referenced “weapons of war that I carried in war,” despite the fact that he never deployed to a combat zone.
  • Walz has repeatedly described himself as a veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, a title that historically applies to someone who served on the ground in Afghanistan — which Walz never did.
  • The Harris-Walz campaign falsely claimed he “chaired Veterans Affairs” in Congress, which never happened.

If you can’t trust Timothy Walz on the most basic details of his biography, how can you trust him with the safety and security of the United States?

You can’t.

FACT CHECK: Walz, Harris Are Abortion Extremists

Timothy Walz and Kamala Harris support unrestricted abortion-on-demand until birth and even after birth — radical views out of step with most Americans

Walz has an extensive record of abortion extremism:

The Harris-Walz position is grossly out of step with the American people:

  • Nearly three quarters of Americans OPPOSE abortion after 15 weeks, while just ten percent believe there should be no limits.
  • More Americans support protecting unborn babies at 15 weeks than oppose restrictions – including majorities of Democrats, independents, and women.

Meanwhile, President Trump supports the rights of individual states to make that decision for themselves.

FACT CHECK: Walz’s Crime Spin Is NOT Reality

Freakish Timothy Walz is relying on incomplete data to lie about crime.

When Kamala took office, the FBI changed how it collects crime data. As a result, they’re missing data from a huge number of the nation’s law enforcement agencies — including from many of the most violent cities.

  • FACT: Violent crime is up 37% between 2020 and last year.
    • Rape is up 42%.
    • Robbery is up 63%.
    • Assault is up 34%.
    • Violent crime (excluding simple assault) is up 55%.
    • Domestic violence is up 32%.
    • Stranger violence is up 61%.
    • Violent crime (with an injury) is up 10%.
    • Violent crime (with a weapon) is up 56%.
    • Motor vehicle theft is up 42%.
  • FACT: The total number of violent crimes reported last year is higher than any year under President Trump.
  • FACT: Kamala has overseen the two highest years for total Americans victimized by violent crime since 2012.
  • FACT: Kamala has presided over three of the four most murderous years in the last quarter century.
  • FACT: In most cities, murder rates remain higher than pre-pandemic levels.
  • The data is also missing an entirely new category of crime against U.S. citizens at the hands of illegal aliens Kamala has ferried in — HARRIS MIGRANT CRIME.
    • Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old Maryland mother of five, was raped and strangled to death by an illegal alien in 2023. Her partially naked body was found in a drainage tunnel near a hiking trail.
    • Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student from Georgia, was savagely murdered by an illegal alien who strangled her and beat her over the head with a rock as she was out for a jog.
    • Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Houston girl, was brutally murdered by two illegal aliens who lured her under a bridge, tied her up, and sexually assaulted her for hours before killing her and throwing her body into a bayou. One of her assailants was wearing an ICE ankle monitor as he committed the heinous crimes.

President Donald J. Trump will END the lawlessness once again.

FACT CHECK: President Trump Lowered Cost Of Insulin, Prescription Drugs

President Trump capped insulin costs at $35 — then Harris-Biden took credit:

  • President Trump capped Medicare enrollees’ out-of-pocket copays for insulin at $35/month — saving beneficiaries an average out-of-pocket savings of 66%.
  • President Trump signed an executive order aimed at making insulin and EpiPens more affordable — but was blocked by the Harris-Biden administration almost as soon as they took office.
  • Now, the Harris-Biden administration wants credit for something President Trump accomplished.

President Trump took additional action to lower the prices of prescription drugs — many of which were also blocked by Kamala Harris and Joe Biden as they take credit for others:

  • President Trump issued an executive order that would have lowered prescription drug costs by eliminating kickbacks to middlemen, such as pharmacy benefit managers and health plan sponsors, ultimately lowering prescription drug costs for seniors by 30% and ensuring prices would not increase if Medicare premiums did.
    • The Harris-Biden administration blocked it from taking effect.
  • President Trump issued an executive order to allow the safe, legal importation of prescription drugs from Canada and other countries where the price for identical drugs is lower — a policy Harris-Biden embraced.
  • President Trump issued an executive order that would have ensured the United States pays the lowest price available among economically advanced countries for Medicare Part B and D drugs — the “Most Favored Nation” model.
    • The Harris-Biden administration blocked the model as they continue to complain other countries pay lower drug prices.

FACT CHECK: Minnesota’s Teamsters Overwhelmingly Back President Trump

The Harris-Walz campaign suffered a crushing blow last month when it became the first Democrat ticket in almost three decades to NOT be endorsed by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters.

In fact, the Teamsters’ own polling shows rank-and-file members overwhelmingly back President Trump across virtually every swing state — including 58.8% of its members in Walz’s Minnesota.

Workers know the Harris-Walz campaign — and their support for a fracking ban, electric vehicle mandate, and other Radical Left lunacy — would be devastating.

Meanwhile, President Trump fights for America’s working men and women.President Trump’s agenda will bring hardworking Americans tax relief — and reverse the Kamala-induced inflation crisis that hurts working families the most.

President Trump has always had the backs of American workers — and always will.

FACT CHECK: Walz Fled As Minneapolis Burned

Timothy Walz let rioters burn down Minneapolis — then Kamala Harris bailed them out of jail.

Americans will never forget the 2020 “Summer of Love,” when extremists like Timothy Walz looked the other way as rioters ransacked businesses, burned down police stations, and destroyed livelihoods. 

Walz — whose response to the chaos was panned as an “inexcusable” failureliterally did nothing for DAYS as rioters pillaged the state’s largest cities, causing $700 million in damage to more than 1,500 businesses and multiple deaths and injuries:

  • Walz “hesitated” to activate the National Guard until it was too late, according to the Democrat mayor of Minneapolis — a hesitation he later described as an unwillingness to seem oppressive.
    • Walz’s daughter tipped off rioters that the National Guard would “not be present tonight,” while Walz’s wife later told local media she left her windows open during the riots so she could “smell” burning tires.
  • As rioters were closing in on the Minneapolis Police Department’s third precinct, Walz ordered officers to “give up” the precinct, according to a sergeant — and by the time the National Guard actually reached Minneapolis, officers had already abandoned the building.
  • A bipartisan investigation found Walz “chose to negotiate with and appease the rioters” rather than restore law and order, ignored multiple verbal and written requests for assistance, and permanently damaged relationships between communities and law enforcement.
  • Walz later said he was “proud” of his inaction and praised the rioters as “rightfully angry at a system that does not serve them.”
  • “Things have gotten so out of control, it is hard to understand,” local media said at the time. “They are refusing to make any kind of statement … We are asking the governor, ‘[What] is the plan here? … This is an abject failure. I just don’t think there is any other way to put it.”

Meanwhile, Kamala proudly raised money for a fund that bailed violent rioters — and eventually now-convicted rapists, murderers, and other criminals — out of jail.

President Donald J. Trump and Senator JD Vance will restore law and order once again.

FACT CHECK: Kamala Has Enriched, Empowered Iran

America is weak under Kamala Harris — and our enemies know it.

Kamala Harris has tried to appease the Iranian regime — the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism — since she took office. Of course, it has been a massive failure — one that will only worsen if she and Tim Walz are elected in November.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Iran has managed to make at least $90 billion from illicit oil sales under Kamala, largely due to “ongoing hesitance to enforce oil sanctions on Iran.”
    • Iran had just $4 billion in foreign reserves when President Trump left office.
  • Even now, the Harris-Biden administration continues to waive sanctions on Iran — including as recently as August.
    • A sanctions waiver in March gave “Tehran continued access to more than $10 billion — money it can use to import goods and repay debts, freeing up $10 billion elsewhere to spend on terrorism, missiles, nuclear weapons and the repression of Iranian women.”
  • Kamala has done nothing to stand up to Iran. She told Iran in October of last year “don’t” — and since her tepid “warning,” Iranian proxies have killed U.S. troops, attacked U.S. Navy ships, shot down U.S. drones, and Iran itself has attacked Israel.
    • Iran has directed assassination attempts on American soil against former U.S. officials.
    • Iran has targeted the Trump campaign and President Trump himself.
  • The Harris-Biden administration rescinded critical Trump-era policies that weakened Iran, including U.S. participation in U.N. sanctions on Iran, and have enabled Iran and its terror proxies in the process.

A Harris-Walz administration would make the situation exponentially worse.


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