
Trump Posts Strong Approval Ratings After Busy First Month

Trump Posts Strong Approval Ratings After Busy First Month

President Donald Trump is posting strong approval ratings four weeks into his administration, according to several polls released Tuesday and Wednesday.

An Economist-YouGov poll published on Wednesday shows that Trump has a plus five percent net rating among 1,603 U.S. adults. Of the respondents, 50 percent approve of Trump’s performance thus far, including 32 percent who “strongly approve.”

Conversely, 45 percent of respondents disapprove of his performance, while five percent do not have an opinion. Of the overall sample, 37 percent “strongly disapprove” of Trump.

Half of the 1,451 registered voters included in the sample said Trump has their approval, while 47 percent said the opposite.

The crosstabs show that 93 percent of Republicans, 12 percent of Democrats, and 44 percent of independents give the president positive marks. In contrast, five percent of Republicans disapprove of Trump, as do 85 percent of Democrats and 46 percent of independents polled.

The poll was conducted from Sunday to Tuesday and has a weighted margin of error of ± 3.3 percentage points for the full sample and ± 3.2 percent for the registered voters.

A separate Emerson College poll released Wednesday finds Trump with an even stronger net rating of plus six percentage points. A strong plurality of 48 percent views his performance in a positive light, while 42 percent give him negative marks after a month.

Among Republican respondents, 86 percent approve of Trump. Nearly one in five Democrats and two in five independents also approve of him. The crosstabs show that nine percent of Republican respondents, 77 percent of Democrats, and 42 percent of independents disapprove of Trump.

Emerson College sampled 1,000 registered voters from February 15-17. The credibility interval is ± three percentage points.

A third poll, published by Morning Consult on Tuesday, found that Trump had a positive rating of 50 percent to 47 percent among “voters.” Details of the poll’s sample size, field dates, and margin of error were not listed on the portion of Morning Consult’s website accessible without a subscription.

Trump’s net approval rating in the FiveThirtyEight average is +2.5 percent as of February 19, 2025. He is performing much better at this point on the approval front than he did at a nearly identical point in his first term. On February 18, 2017, his net approval rating averaged at -6.3 percent.


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