
Man Helpfully Explains To Wife Why She Should Be In Better Mood

Man Helpfully Explains To Wife Why She Should Be In Better Mood

MURFREESBORO, TN — According to sources, local husband Scott Limber rescued his wife from depression by helpfully explaining why she should be in a good mood.

“Don’t worry, sweetie, you have no reason to be sad,” Limber reportedly said. “Please allow me to explain to you why your sadness is slightly irrational given the current circumstances.”

Limber’s wife, Heather, had been feeling a little stressed and mopey, but after her husband sat her down and explained why she should be in a good mood, that all changed. “You know, you’re right,” she said. “Thank you for explaining to me why I shouldn’t be sad. It helps a lot.”

Mr. Limber then silently congratulated himself for doing such a good job making his wife feel better.

“Scott really is the master at this,” said one source close to the family. “His logic is unassailable, and we all know that when wives are feeling down, they really need the airtight reasoning skills of a husband. That always makes things better.”

At publishing time Mr Limber went ahead and bought his wife some Door Dash tacos and massaged her feet, just in case.

Babylon Bee subscriber – montgump – contributed to this report. If you want to pitch your own headline ideas to our staff, click here to check out all of our membership options!

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