
AOC says Eric Adams should resign as NYC mayor ‘for the good of the city’ amid federal probes

AOC says Eric Adams should resign as NYC mayor ‘for the good of the city’ amid federal probes

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called for Mayor Eric Adams to resign amid the federal probes crippling his administration.

The lefty “Squad” member tweeted Wednesday that Adams should step down “for the good of the city.

“I do not see how Mayor Adams can continue governing New York City,” she wrote on X.

“The flood of resignations and vacancies are threatening gov function. Nonstop investigations will make it impossible to recruit and retain a qualified administration.”

Ocasio-Cortez is the most prominent pol to call for Adams’ resignation in recent days as the mayor has seen a wave of prominent resignations from his administration’s highest ranks.

The resignation chorus – which, so far, has entirely come from progressive lawmakers – began Sept. 13 when socialist Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher tweeted “We deserve a new mayor.”

In total, eight lawmakers have called for their fellow Democrat to step down, including socialist and frequent Adams critic Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán.

“Eric Adams leads with corruption and mismanagement,” she tweeted.

“NY deserves better. It’s time for him to resign.”

Adams’ troubles have only mounted since federal agents raided some of his top officials and allies Sept. 4. 

Adams has seen a wave of prominent resignations after federal agents raided some of his top officials and allies Sept. 4.

Eric Adams
Eric Adams Gregory P. Mango
AOC Nathan Posner/Shutterstock

Former NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban, who was raided by the feds, stepped down a week later.

Sources have said the probe is focused on corruption and influence peddling – and Caban’s twin brother James Caban, who also faced a federal raid, is purportedly under scrutiny for allegedly pressing nightclubs for money to avoid heavy-handed NYPD enforcement.

This week alone has seen Health Commissioner Ashwin Vasan and schools Chancellor David Banks, whose home was also raided, announce that they’d leave their posts by the year’s end.

The mayor’s Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg abruptly resigned Sept. 14 after sources said she unsuccessfully pushed Adams to oust Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Phil Banks and top adviser Tim Pearson, who were raided by the feds and face long prior accusations of unrelated wrongdoing.

Adams said in a statement issued through a spokesperson he had no plans to step down.

“For anyone who self-righteously claims people charged with serious crimes should not be in jail to now say that the second Black mayor of New York should resign because of rumors and innuendo — without even a single charge being filed — is the height of hypocrisy,” the statement said.

“I am leading this city to protect it from exactly that kind of phony politics. The people of this city elected me to fight for them, and I will stay and fight no matter what.”

Adams, during his weekly news conference Tuesday, tried to downplay the prominent departures. 

The resignations weren’t officials trying to jump off a sinking ship, but rather the “normal turnaround” after three years in office, he argued.

“This is wear and tear,” he said.


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