A Christian priest from the parish of Mazraat Yeshua was seen carrying a rifle during the Christmas Eve Divine Liturgy.
Video via @fouadkhreiss:
أبو كسم تعليقاً على فيديو كاهن مزرعة يشوع: السلاح الحقيقي للكنيسة هو الصلاة
أوضح رئيس المركز الكاثوليكي للاعلام المونسنيور عبده أبوكسم ان “ما يتمّ التداول به على شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي من مقاطع فيديو لكاهن في رعية مزرعة يشوع يحمل سلاحاً حربياً أثناء احتفاله بالذبيحة الالهية… https://t.co/POVQw0zaWI pic.twitter.com/zZ6eLgc8Ss
— مصدر مسؤول (@fouadkhreiss) December 25, 2024
The priest’s decision comes against a backdrop of increasing violence and threats directed at Christian communities in Lebanon.
Recent incidents, such as the vandalism of a Nativity scene in the town of Faraya, where a handgun was placed near the display, have heightened fears among the faithful. Residents responded by gathering in protest, ringing church bells, and calling for greater security measures.
Lebanon’s demographic landscape has shifted significantly over the years, according to ECSPE 2012 study.
According to the CIA World Factbook, the Christian population declined from approximately 46% in 2012 to 32.4% in 2020, while the Muslim population rose to 67.8%.
The priest’s actions, intended as a statement of protection and resilience, were met with disapproval from church authorities.
Monsignor Abdo Abu Kasm, head of the Catholic Media Center, emphasized that such displays are “unacceptable” and reiterated that “the true weapon of the Church is the weapon of prayer.”
Abu Kasm commenting on the video of the priest of Mazraat Yeshua: The real weapon of the church is prayer
The head of the Catholic Media Center, Monsignor Abdo Abu Kasm, explained that “the videos circulating on social media of a priest in the Mazraat Yeshua parish carrying a military weapon while celebrating the Divine Liturgy on Christmas Eve are unacceptable, even though the priest intended to express that this weapon is a source of war and does not serve peace. Rather, the true weapon of the Church is the weapon of prayer.”
He added: “After contacting the pastor of the diocese, His Eminence Bishop Antoine Bou Najm, he confirmed that he absolutely does not support this method that is foreign to the face of the church, and he gave his strict instructions not to repeat such actions within the church.”
Jim Hoft is the founder and editor of The Gateway Pundit, one of the top conservative news outlets in America. Jim was awarded the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award in 2013 and is the proud recipient of the Breitbart Award for Excellence in Online Journalism from the Americans for Prosperity Foundation in May 2016. In 2023, The Gateway Pundit received the Most Trusted Print Media Award at the American Liberty Awards.
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