
Exclusive – Sen. Cynthia Lummis: ‘American People Have Had It’ with Biden-Harris Economy

Exclusive – Sen. Cynthia Lummis: ‘American People Have Had It’ with Biden-Harris Economy

Vice President Kamala Harris will continue and amplify the disastrous Biden-Harris policies rejected by the American people, Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) told host Matthew Boyle on Breitbart News Saturday.

Harris has done all she can to avoid policy discussions, so Lummis and her Republican colleagues — many who served with Harris in the Senate — are shining a light on Harris’s radical policy record.

Lummis led a group of Republican senators in writing a book titled We Do Not Consent, inspired by the Declaration of Independence, which prosecutes the case against the Biden-Harris agenda. Her coauthors include Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), John Cornyn (R-TX), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Steve Daines (R-MT), Ron Johnson (R-WI), Mike Lee (R-UT), Roger Marshall (R-KS), Rick Scott (R-FL), and Dan Sullivan (R-AK).

“Our government derives its just powers from the consent of the governed in the United States and right now, this government, this Biden-Harris government, is not exercising its powers justly,” Lummis told Boyle. “So hence the title. We do not consent to be governed like this.”

Lummis said Harris cannot run from the failures of the three and a half years of the Biden-Harris administration.

“Kamala Harris was in the room when that horrible departure from Afghanistan happened,” she said. “Kamala Harris has supported Joe Biden’s policies from beginning to end.”

Harris owns the border crisis as well, Lummis said.


“We’ve had somewhere between 10 and 20 million illegal people cross our border, trafficking in people, trafficking in fentanyl, and now we have communities that have been absolutely abated by people who can’t drive,” she said. “They’re doing hit and runs. They have no insurance, they have no jobs, so our government gives it to them and takes it away from our veterans and other people who want those jobs. This is an absolute travesty, and how does the Biden Harris administration respond? They weaponize the Department of Justice in the court system against Donald Trump, trying to beat him in the courts and not at the polls.”

Lummis and her Senate colleagues describe other disastrous consequences of Biden-Harris policies in their book.

“Ron Johnson writes about the absurd, murky reporting of vaccine injuries that have occurred since covid,” she said. “Mike Lee does a fabulous job explaining where the Biden-Harris administration got the idea to prosecute Donald Trump. Of course, it’s from banana republics. And Rick Scott talks about the absurd, unsustainable spending in the United States that has brought us, via the Biden-Harris administration, to a point where inflation is running 22 percent. People can’t buy food, gas, rent, they can’t get on airplanes anymore. They’re scrimping on vacations. And the American people have had it.”

WATCH — CNN’s Tapper: Harris “Dodged” on Border, Economy, Was Vague on Israel:

Lummis said the nations is “in a real crossroads now” with regards to the economy.

“If Kamala Harris is elected President of the United States, inflation will get much worse, and it will affect everyone who goes to the grocery store, buys fuel, buys heating oil, and is just trying to make ends meet,” she warned. “From month to month, they will not close the border. More people will come across the border, taking low-income jobs from low-income people, those most hard hit by prices at the grocery stores. This economy will be in serious trouble if Kamala Harris is elected president.”

Democrats have no regard for debt, as demonstrated by their legislative agenda under Biden-Harris.

“The Democrats passed something called the Inflation Reduction Act. There really was a bill to take radical environmental policy to the point where we’re no longer energy independent in this country,” Lummis said. “And of course, the way to become wealthy again as a nation and bring prices down is to bring gas prices down and to export our American oil and gas overseas. They have exactly the wrong approach.”

Harris is doing all she can to hide her agenda from the American people.

“It’s beyond me why anyone would think that a woman who keeps repeating that she was raised in a middle-class family, and that’s as far as she’ll go in talking about what she’s going to do would make a good president,” Lummis told Boyle. “She’ll be a terrible president. Our country is in deep trouble if Kamala Harris becomes President of the United States. Whether or not a person likes President Trump’s temperament, our lives were much better when he was president of the United States. And it will be again.”

Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a campaign event Friday, Sept. 20, 2024, in Madison, Wis. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at a campaign event on September 20, 2024, in Madison, Wisconsin. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Boyle attacked Harris’s energy record and noted that before Harris dropped out of the 2020 presidential race, she made clear on camera she would ban fracking as president, yet now her campaign insists she would not do so.

“We’ve never heard out of her own mouth her say that she will not be fracking,” Lummis said. “In fact, all of the major pronouncements about what she won’t do have come from her staff. She won’t say it, and so she’s not accountable for what her staff says. And she can go into the White House and say, ‘Never mind. That was never my position. My staff spoke out of turn.’”

She said Harris would continue implementing harmful Green New Deal policies “making us dependent on other countries for oil and gas, and marketing electric vehicles to Americans who don’t want to buy them, can’t find a place to charge them, can’t find a place to dispose of the heavy batteries, and who know, if they live in a cold climate that the battery’s going to run down before they can even get to work? It’s an absurd policy. It’s hurting automobile dealers. It’s hurting automobile manufacturers, and it’s all coming from their absurd desire to reshape society in a way the society does not want to be reshaped.”

She continued:

That’s why we say government derived its just power simply – heavy emphasis on the word “just” – from the consent of the governed, and now they’re not even considering our consent when they make these ridiculous policies that are changing our country fundamentally and turning us into a country that’s no longer even capable of leading the world, no longer capable of being the leader that we’ve always been in energy policy, financial services, defense, intellectual property, technology. We’ve always fled in those areas, and now the Harris philosophy is, let that all go overseas. Let’s take in everyone’s illegal immigrants, however ill prepared they are to be in this country, and let’s just give them free cell phones, free rent, and take them away from American veterans. It’s so absurd, you can’t even believe this is happening, but it’s happening right in front of our eyes.

Harris claimed during her debate with Trump that she would work to pass the so-called Senate border security bill, which failed early in 2024 after its details leaked that it would have increased migration levels.

“That bill that she’s referred to was not a border security bill, it was a comprehensive immigration policy bill,” Lummis said. “Right now, we need to stop the bleeding, and the bleeding is caused by the fact that President Trump had the border pretty well shut down when he left office. Within a week, those numbers started increasing because the Biden Harris administration basically threw the doors open, let go of all the great policies that President Trump had put in place and invited illegals into this country, and they came in droves.”

If the Biden-Harris administration wanted to secure the border, they could easily do so, Lummis insisted.

“All they would have had to have done is reinstate the Trump-era executive orders, as you said, remain in Mexico,” she said. “But instead, we face what we have today.

Lummis made clear who is to blame.

“This is a Biden-Harris caused crisis,” she proclaimed. “They caused it, and she was their border czar. And her way of being their border czar is ignore the problem and perpetuate and allow these illegals, many with criminal records, to come into our country, bringing fentanyl, bringing human trafficking, which is just a modern form of slavery. I they should be ashamed of themselves and what they’ve done to our country, and what they do to these poor young illegals that are crossing with, quote, sponsors that are not relatives, who are bringing them into the country to sex traffic and be drug mule.”

Lummis discussed her leadership in cryptocurrency, which Trump has made a centerpiece of his campaign. She said Harris “is in sync with Elizabeth Warren on digital assets, as far as I can tell.”

The Wyoming Senator has worked with Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) on bipartisan “comprehensive legislative framework” for digital currency.

“The House already passed the comprehensive legislative framework, and Kamala Harris and her progressive allies in the Senate are diddling around because they don’t want people to own assets that are not government created and government approved,” she said. And of course, the government can’t surveil you if you have Bitcoin or other digital assets and they want to know what you’re doing with your money. They want to tax every transaction you can conceive of. So you’re taking away their opportunity by doing business in Bitcoin to tax you and surveil you in ways that they have now.”

Lummis said Trump will bring a transformative crypto agenda back with him to the White House.

“President Trump guessed that he understands these things, and so he will unleash this industry in ways that requires their transparency, full disclosure, but nevertheless is not a means of surveillance on them and allows people to use assets.”

“I’m so glad that President Trump recognizes it, embraces it, and we’re going to have a strong financial system based on digital assets under President Trump,” she added.

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

Bradley Jaye is a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News. Follow him on X/Twitter at @BradleyAJaye.


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