Former FBI assistant director Frank Figliuzzi said on Monday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Deadline” that those who voted for President Donald Trump should question whether they are American anymore.
Figliuzzi said, “This Reince Priebus clip that you played, Nothing to see here, don’t worry, remain calm, he occasionally likes to take a grenade out and throw it on the floor to see what happens. I’ll tell you what happens when you play with a live grenade and toss it on the floor eventually it explodes. The only question for us is whether it’s going to explode back on Trump or explode and hurt the rest of us. My money is on both, by the way, people are going to get hurt and eventually it will blow back on Trump.”
He continued, “With regard to this statement…when he says, ‘Don’t worry that someone who saves his country cannot violate a law.’ It’s been attributed by some historians who aren’t certain to Napoleon, but I’ll tell you where. it’s definitely been used far more recently. That’s with a white supremacist, far right extremist named Anders Breivik in Norway, who killed 77 people in Norway.”
Figliuzzi added, “Now our president is quoting that white supremacist, Neo-Nazi murderer. If you voted for that, you you really need to question whether you’re American anymore. But that’s who’s using that kind of statement. Listen, does Trump sit and read Norwegian history? Hell no. Someone is handing him this story, this quote. We need to figure out who keeps spoon feeding him the white supremacy, white terrorist philosophy.”
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