
Florida Statewide Vaccine Grand Jury, Total Scam

Florida Statewide Vaccine Grand Jury, Total Scam
Photo Illustration by Pavlo Gonchar/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

The Florida Statewide ‘Vaccine’ Grand Jury issued its report recently claiming no evidence of criminal wrong doing.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis issued a statement on X:

“The Grand Jury has made a number of recommendations that should be followed. The status quo cannot continue. The American people deserve transparency on how Big Pharma is using their federal tax dollars, and they deserve regulating entities that operate as watchdogs, not cheerleaders.”

While Governor DeSantis publicly attacks mRNA injections, he has apparently simultaneously fought off lawsuits seeking to remove the mRNA nanoparticle injections from the market.

As a result, not everybody is happy with Governor DeSantis or the Grand Jury. Psychotherapist, Dr. Joseph Sansone, recently stated that the Florida Statewide ‘Vaccine’ Grand Jury was a total scam, writing on his Substack:

“As we all suspected for quite some time the Florida Statewide Vaccine Grand Jury was a total scam. I provided the statewide prosecutor in charge of the Grand Jury all the evidence from the writ of mandamus that Karen Kingston compiled as well as Affidavits from Dr. Andrew Zywiec, Karen Kingston, Dr. Marivic Villa, M.D., Dr. Ana Mihalcea M.D., PhD, (including evidence), and Dr. Francis Boyle, J.D., PhD.

Stated in various ways, these affidavits asserted that the mRNA nanoparticle injections were biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. Dr. Boyle clearly states in his affidavits that it is his expert opinion that the mRNA injections violate 18USC 175 CH 10 BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS and Florida Stat. 790.166.

What legal expert provided an affidavit contradicting Dr. Boyle’s affidavit? Why wasn’t Dr. Boyle or these other experts asked to testify? The law professor that wrote the Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act provides an affidavit that the mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological weapons and the Grand Jury ignores that?

I call total and complete BS!

Fla. Stat. 381.00315, Florida’s controversial public health law, a law that Sansone says should be repealed because it allows for forced quarantines and forced vaccinations, which he says are clear violations of Floridians Constitutional Rights, can also be used to stop the shots. Sansone also points out that Fla. Stat. 381.00315 grants Florida’s Governor and Surgeon General the power to declare a public health emergency and remove the mRNA shots from the market.

Specifically, 381.00315, 1(c) states, “Public health emergency” means any occurrence, or threat thereof, whether natural or manmade, which results or may result in substantial injury or harm to the public health from infectious disease, chemical agents, nuclear agents, biological toxins, or situations involving mass casualties or natural disasters.”

381.00315, 2(d) “The State Health Officer, upon declaration of a public health emergency, may take actions that are necessary to protect the public health.

Sansone says “this law should be repealed, however, it is clear that the Governor and Surgeon General have the power to declare a public health emergency because of the widespread devastation from the mRNA nanoparticle injections through direct injection, and from shedding, and prohibit the injections to protect public health.

Sansone has been battling for years to get the mRNA injections off the market. First, in 2023 getting local Republican parties to pass ‘ban the jab’ resolutions, then with lawsuits. In March of 2024, Dr. Joseph Sansone filed a writ of mandamus to compel DeSantis and AG Moody to remove the mRNA nanoparticle injections from the market. The case was dismissed and Sansone filed an appeal to the First District Court of Appeal in May of 2024, which was also denied in October of 2024.

On December 1st, 2024, Dr. Sansone filed a new case in the Second Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County, Florida (2024-CA-001977) seeking an injunction to prohibit Governor DeSantis and Attorney General Ashley Moody from allowing the continued distribution of mRNA nanoparticle injections because they are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction.

Sansone’s case was backed up by scientific evidence and expert affidavits. The complaint also sought declaratory judgements that the COVID 19 injections and all mRNA injections violate Weapons of Mass Destruction § 790.166, Fla. Stat. (2023); Fraud § 817.034 Fla Stat. (2023); and clearly violate Florida Medical Consent Law § 766.103 Fla Stat. (2023).

In Official Bulletins, the Florida Department of Health has previously called for a halt to the mRNA injections, advising that they are unsafe for humans and a threat to the human genome. Surgeon General Ladapo, M.D., PhD, has publicly described the mRNA injections as the ‘Anti Christ’ of drugs.

Sansone says the mRNA nanoparticle injections deployed against 23 million Floridians cause multiple disorders and diseases, including death, “Heart attacks, strokes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, neurological disorders, are just a few of the devastating results of these weapons of mass destruction”.

Dr. Sansone said, “It is time to mount up and ride to the sound of the guns. If you are not in this fight, get in it”. He continued, “It is time that Governor DeSantis listen to the Florida Department of Health and prohibit these mRNA nanoparticle injections in the state of Florida.” He went on to say, “Each time someone gets an mRNA nanoparticle injection, there is a danger of harming others through shedding of this technology. We are informed and we do not give our consent”

Sansone’s 80-page complaint includes an additional 65 plus pages of affidavits from legal, medical, scientific, and pharmaceutical industry experts asserting that the COVID 19/mRNA injections are bioweapons.

Affidavits were provided by Francis Boyle, J.D., PhDKaren KingstonAna Mihalcea, M.D., PhDRima Laibow, M.D.; Andrew Zywiec, M.D.; Marivic Villa, M.D., and Avery Brinkley, M.D.; Dr. Ben Marble, M.D.; and Dr. Paul Alexander, PhD.

The affidavits list a wide range of disorders and diseases caused by the COVID-19/mRNA injections. The affidavits include stunning statements that mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction and cause a host of disorders.

Dr. Francis Boyle, the law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act., which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit that states:

“It is my expert opinion that, `COVID-19 nanoparticle injections’ or mRNA nanoparticle injections’ or `COVID-19 injections meet the criteria of biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction according to Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, an early whistle blower on the nanotechnology and dangers of the COVID-19 shots, who recently published a two volume book on her research on the topic called Transhuman, provided a comprehensive affidavit stating:

“The Covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. Self assembly nanotechnolology has been found in the injections and subsequently in human blood, initially the vaccinated, later the unvaccinated as well, from shedding.”

Another early whistle blower on the bioweapon injections, biotech analyst/med legal advisor, Karen Kingston, who wrote the literature review in the Statement of Facts in Sansone’s prior mandamus last March, provided an affidavit stating:

the COVID-19 mRNA injections do not meet the FDA’s own criteria for ‘safe and effective vaccines,’ but in fact, meet the criteria of a bioweapon under 18 USC 175 and FL 790.166.”

Dr. Andrew Zywiec, who along with Dr. Marivic Villa and Dr. Sansone, spoke alongside Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo at a medical freedom vs. medical tyranny forum back in July, provided an affidavit stating:

Based on my considerations of the scientific data, and my experience as a clinician/practitioner and researcher, I believe that the Covid 19 injections, and all mRNA injections, are biological and technological weapons designed to harm.

They have been the cause of and/or a major contributing factor to, a wide range of diseases, including, but not limited to: neurocognitive issues such as MECFS, dementia, psychosis, brain fog; cardiovascular concerns such as arrythmia, stroke, myocardial infarction; obstetrical and gynecological concerns like uteroplacental insufficiency, spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), irregular menses, heavy bleeding; systemic problems like multisystem inflammatory syndrome, chronic fatigue and pain; hematological and oncological concerns such as coagulopathy and increased/advanced cancer development; and much more.

Nationally and internationally recognized psychiatrist, Dr. Rima Laibow, who predicted the bioweapons attack under the guise of a ‘vaccine’ back in 2009, signed an affidavit that states:

“I believe that all mRNA and DNA injections, including those deployed specifically for Covid 19 , are biological and technological weapons designed to harm”.

Dr. Rima Laibow continues:

Given that DARPA and the Department of Defense were deeply involved in their development and both Pfizer-BionTech and Moderna merely added their names and brands to the injections developed specifically to serve as bioweapons and antifertility agents, there is no doubt as to their origin or purpose.

They are consistent, in fact, with the official United States doctrine of depopulation, as articulated by Henry Kissinger in his December 10, 1974 National Security Study Memorandum 200 and adopted by the United States in collaboration with the United Nations.

Dr. Marivic Villa who has publicly stated the COVID injections are bioweapons, affidavit states:

“I have encountered approximately 3,000 cases of vaccine injuries. These individuals are afflicted with a range of conditions”.

Dr. Villa then provides a long list of disorders her patients are suffering from as a result of the COVID-19 injections.

Dr. Avery Brinkley Jr., another Florida medical doctor’s affidavit states:

We know that these are not only gene altering agents, but also produce the harmful Spike protein throughout the body, resulting in immune reactions against the recipients’ own cells resulting in cell-death, and accompanying diseases or conditions to include: autoimmune diseases; cardiovascular diseases such as myocarditis, heart attacks and strokes; cancers, particularly in younger populations; infertility and fetal loss.

It is obvious that the FDA and CDC along with mainstream media continue to ignore these serious issues, and thus MUST be removed from the market immediately.

Former Health and Human Services senior advisor during COVID, Dr. Paul Alexander’s affidavit states that the mRNA nanoparticle injections are biological and technological weapons of mass destruction. He also states that the shedding of the technology in the shots causes harm.

Former Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Ben Marble’s affidavit states that the injections are a ‘poison’ and are ‘bioweapons’.

Even with all these expert affidavits, the case was dismissed six business days later on December 9th. Sansone filed a Motion for Rehearing on December 15th which was denied on December 19. Finally. Dr. Sansone filed a Notice of Appeal in Florida’s First District Court of Appeal on December 22nd. The new case number is 1D2024-3305. Sansone expects to file his Appellate Brief in a few weeks.

Updates will be posted at

Dr. Sansone has almost singlehandedly fought the corrupt Florida big pharma establishment to protect Floridians from the clot shot. Please consider supporting him. To support this effort visit GiveSendGo or subscribe to


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