A January 6th defendant on the run from the Biden Regime that was granted political asylum and refugee status by the President of Belarus is asking President Trump for help.
In an exclusive interview with the Gateway Pundit, Evan Neumann of California is pleading with President Trump for a pardon so he can return home to United States to be with his two children.
Neumann has spent the past 3 and a half years as a political refugee in Belarus after escaping Biden’s FBI and the Ukrainian SBU (Secret Service) by ditching his electronics and walking 18 hours through a swamp from Ukraine to Belarus. “I followed the stars to navigate because my phone would have tracked me,” Neumann said.
Please watch his fascinating and untold story here. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS STUFF UP:
“My name is Evan Newman and I’m stranded in Belarus right now,” Neumann told The Gateway Pundit. “I have a political refugee status because of my involvement in the January 6 protests. So I escaped over the border from Ukraine and I am, I believe, the first person to get political refugee status in the former CIS countries, that is the former Soviet Union, since Edward Snowden. So it’s very unusual to get political asylum in one of these countries. I really want to come back to the United States and I plead with President Trump to allow me to come back into the United States to be with my children. I have two teenage children.”
Neumann desperately wants to return to the United States before his two children grow up entirely without him. “I want to teach them to drive,” said Neumann. He hasn’t seen his kids in close to close to three and a half years.

Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.
Neumann is on the FBI’s most wanted list for being at the U.S. Capitol on January 6th and protesting for fair and free elections.
Biden’s stooges in the FBI and DOJ placed Neumann on the FBI’s “Most Wanted” list in the early rounds of January 6th persecutions in 2021, prompting him to escape. If he was arrested, he certainly would have wound up in D.C. Gulag in Washington D.C. with the rest of the January 6th political prisoners- tortured in solitary confinement and treated like a foreign terrorist.
Neumann instead took his chances and sought political asylum in the former USSR. He was granted political asylum and refugee status by Alexander Lukashenko, the President of Belarus.

Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.
Neumann’s story is truly remarkable. He literally evaded the FBI and their buddies in the SBU (Ukrainian Secret Service) by walking from Ukraine to Belarus in the middle of the night. He had originally landed in Ukraine and intended to stay there, but was tipped off and suspicious that the United States FBI was working with the SBU in Ukraine to nab him.
“So in the Ukraine, they unseal my indictment, which is an unusual,” Neumann told the Gateway Pundit. “They made it public and then some reporters reported on it and they found out that I was in Ukraine. And so the FBI then sent my case to the SBU, which is sort of like the FBI of Ukraine. Then after only a few weeks the SBU came after me. And that’s very unusual. When they go after terrorists or murderers or something, it takes like a year. So when I saw the SBU was coming after me. I found out about that because I got some people who called me and told me that the SBU was looking for me.”

After an eighteen hour total trek through a swamp filled with quicksand, snakes, and wild boars, Neumann finally crossed the border and was turned in to Belarusian police by teenagers who first gave him water and fresh fish soup.
Neumann was granted political asylum by the President of Belarus within twenty four hours. It is insane to imagine that a President in a country in the former USSR recognized that the United States of America was politically persecuting its citizens under Joe Biden and granted him protection.
Neumann is currently living in Brest, Belarus. He has been allowed to open an American diner that serves hamburgers french fries, and tacos.

Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.
Here is a fascinating excerpt from Neumann’s video interview describing his escape across the Ukrainian border to Belarus:
“I took a lot of water and I took a loaf of bread and a stick of salami and a couple apples, and I took a taxi to the border of a national forest (Prypiat-Stokhid National Park). But it’s not a forest, it’s actually a swamp. And I didn’t know that. And I’m great with forests, I’m not so good with swamps. It was my first swamp experience. I was covered in spider webs, 1,000 mosquito bites. There were snakes and wild boar. I picked a national forest cause I thought there would be the lowest number of potential border guards. Because I can deal with nature, but police are more dangerous to me in my predicament.

First there was forest, then there was probably 6 hours of swamp. I stepped in quicksand. I was walking and stepped off a log right into a bog into quicksand. You’re in the quicksand. You can’t move anymore. You can’t take steps in quicksand. So as soon as I figured out that I can’t step anywhere, I just fell back onto the log and then crawled out. I kept walking until I got to some open farmers fields…and in the fields actually there was meteor showers. So I I thought God was giving me some fireworks as a reward. And saying congratulations.

So about halfway through the swamp, or maybe 2/3 of the way through the swamp, I thought I was in Belarus, but then I came to some Ukrainian road signs and I honestly, I almost gave up and thought, “I’ll just take a bus back to Ukraine, because this is too hard”…but then I thought, “No”. You know, it’s kind of like when you’re climbing a mountain. Sometimes you just want to give up.
So this like I said this was in a swamp. So there wasn’t a lot of border security. It’s very hard just to get to that border, so not a lot of people cross there and for that reason it wasn’t a lot of border security. That’s why I didn’t know when I crossed the border. Once I crossed that sand road, I suspected I was across the border, but I kept walking north for another hour or so. And then I actually I came across some people camping.
Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.

The first people camping I kind of avoided and I kept walking north and then I got to the farmers fields and I thought”OK”, I remember from the map that I looked at in the hotel. The farmers fields are well clear of of the border and so once I was in the farmers fields then the next people camping I found I I turned myself in. A group of male teenagers camping. And they give me some soup. They made some homemade soup because they were fishing, so they gave me some fish soup and some bread.
And so when the border guards came, they said “you’re German”. And I said “no, I’m an American”- and I gave my American passport and they took it and and they looked at it and he dropped it on the table and stepped back and went, “Whoa. I need to make a phone call.”
The guy was nervous that he was going to get in trouble for doing something wrong. So the guy was being very careful and he said “wait, I need to call”. So they gave me the first few interviews over the phone and then they brought me into the to the small office that was local. I stayed there for a few hours. They actually they didn’t ask me any more questions there. Then they took me to a a regional office. And that’s where they did all the interviews. And I was interviewed for like….so…I’ve just been up since 8:00 in the morning, going through a swamp, and I stayed up all night again, and then all day again. So I was up for like 36 hours and at the end of that day is when I was being interviewed.
Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.

At that second office they had a couple of different English translators. They kept on bringing in better and better English speakers. There were some questions about drugs. I had lots of scratches on my arms from being in the forest and they said oh this, “Are you taking drugs?” I said “No, no those are just scratches.” There was a lot of questions about that, but most of it was about why I’m requesting asylum. I said I was being accused of crimes that I didn’t commit, and there was a political it would a political motivation behind the charges.
Yeah, so after my last interview, there was a kind of a fun story. This gruff looking KGB guy who was very…not unfriendly, but cold to me the whole time. And he was the lead. The head guy. And he came into my cell, very late at night. I don’t know what time, but he woke me up and he said, “I just got a text from our President, President Lukashenko, and he says 3 points: “I have reviewed your file”. “I will not extradite you to America.” And, “I will protect you.” And then he gave me a big bear hug. He was like, smiling and like…in one moment I was his best friend.”

Please share this shorter two minute version of Evan Neumann’s plea on social media so he can get his story out:
See Evan Neumann’s pardon request and his detailed letter to President Trump here:
Neumann was charged with “violence towards police”, but remember these J6 “violent charges” are trumped up and many times fabricated by compromised feds. THAT IS WHY IT IS CALLED POLITICAL PERSECUTION. Biden’s Department of Injustice alleges that Neumann “punched towards police”, but never offered any proof that actually occurred. They supplied a deceptive “screen grab” photo of a video that looks like Neumann is falling forward in a crowd as “proof” of an alleged punch. Neumann says his hand was extended to break a fall onto a fence as he was pushed forward.

Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.
There is NO WHERE in their photos in the official DOJ “Statement of Facts” showing any such contact with police whatsoever- just speculative statements like “Neumann appears to make contact with an officer with his fist…then the part of the photo with his fist is ACTUALLY CUT OFF! You can’t make this stuff up.
Furthermore, the feds supply a photo a of Neumann’s half closed hand claiming it was a punch “towards police”. Any fight expert seeing the ridiculous photo would testify that type of fist and posture ARE NOT conductive with punching. You can be certain if there was actual contact with an officer and Neumann’s fist, the very well-equipped and funded DOJ would have the photo of it. THEY DO NOT SUPPLY THE PHOTO IN THE INDICTMENT. Only their “seems to be punching towards” photos.

This is why no one trusts the feds.
Neumann’s hope is that President Trump will pardon him, or at least the new Department of Justice will drop all charges with prejudice so they can never come after him again.
“So my understanding is what I need is a dismissal with prejudice,” said Neumann. “That means that my case is dismissed and the charges cannot be refiled. I’m then asking to be removed from the No-fly list and have my pilot’s license reinstated. And then, have all domestic and international warrants rescinded, because the warrants are separate from the indictments, especially when it gets like international warrants that I don’t want to sit in some jail in Poland or or Lithuania for some months while they figure out how to do it.”
Learn more about Evan Neumann HERE.

Remember, in the end God wins!
Cara is an Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion and Television Personality. She is the co-founder of Citizens Against Political Persecution. You can follow her on X HERE or Instagram HERE @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for colluding with the Biden Regime to violate her First Amendment Rights. You can contact Cara at www.caracastronuova.com if you have any tips.
“I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me.” -Philippians 4:13