
‘I Needed To Talk To God’: Kamala Claims Faith Got Her Through Biden’s Exit From 2024 Race

‘I Needed To Talk To God’: Kamala Claims Faith Got Her Through Biden’s Exit From 2024 Race

Vice President Kamala Harris made an appearance on ABC’s “The View” on Tuesday, and despite assurances from CNN’s Brian Stelter that there would be relevant and tough questions for the Democrats’ candidate by default, host Whoopi Goldberg led off with a major-league softball.

Goldberg first introduced Harris as “the next president of the United States.”


ABC News’s The View introduces Kamala Harris as “the next president of the United States.”
And the gushfest begins.

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) October 8, 2024

The first question Goldberg asked Harris was hardly less conciliatory. Instead of giving the vice president a chance to talk policy — something that the American people have repeatedly said they would like to see from her — the regular host asked Harris how she felt when she learned that President Joe Biden was leaving the 2024 presidential race and planned to endorse her in his place.

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“You’ve barely taken a breath since, you know, 79 days ago when President Biden called your house and said he was stepping down and passing you the torch,” Goldberg said.


Kamala claims one of the first people she called was her pastor: “I needed to talk to God.”

— Nicholas Fondacaro (@NickFondacaro) October 8, 2024

Harris went on to explain that she had first asked Biden whether he was sure about the decision to step aside, and once they had discussed things to her satisfaction, her first response had been to get to church.

“The rest of the day … was surreal, I’ll tell you, honestly, one of the first people I called was my pastor,” she continued. “I mean, I needed to talk to God, you know, and to pray. It was — I understood in real time what was happening and obviously then it really set in in the hours and days to come. That was quite a day.”

President Biden appeared on “The View” just a week earlier and did not deny reports that he was effectively forced out of the 2024 presidential race by powerful members of his own party.


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