
Kachelman, Jr.: Biden’s Final Actions Exposed the Democrat Party’s Soul – Brazenly Criminal, Consumed in Selfishness, Anti-Social to Its Core

Kachelman, Jr.: Biden’s Final Actions Exposed the Democrat Party’s Soul – Brazenly Criminal, Consumed in Selfishness, Anti-Social to Its Core

Guest post by John L. Kachelman, Jr.

Biden looking as confused as ever waves from his plane.

Only willful ignorance denies the redundancy of historical principles. As I have previously observed, “History is unerring, redundant and unforgiving.” Delusional politicians always think they are immune to this principle. They think history does not apply to them because they are ignorant of history.

Events of the Biden/Harris Administration that were urged and supported by the Democrat Party provide an illustration of ruinous political overreach. This was prompted by a delusional philosophy and ruled by iron-fisted arrogance.

This exposure reveals the Democrat Party’s soul—it is calloused to the welfare of the citizen, brazenly criminal in its lawfare, and consumed with selfishness as its Party leaders recline in splendor, feasting on only the best and, issuing mandates for the citizens’ depravation of life while the ruling “Ds” are exempt from these absurdities.

This flagrant criminality of the Democrat Party is fully exposed in the last days of the Biden/Harris administration. THOUSANDS have received pardons and commutations for the most egregious anti-social behavior. This exposes all “Ds”! The electorate now sees the real Democrat Party’s philosophy. It is a philosophy that is anti-social, anti-Law, anti-public. It is a philosophy consumed with selfish personalities determined to rule or “burn it all down.”

Mark Penn, associated with Clinton’s Administration, observed, “With these pardons, Joe Biden has put Democrats and the media in an impossible position. This will be thrown in their faces for years to come.”  This is truth.

The legacy of the Democrat Party is now anchored in civilization’s chronicles. If you are a member of the Democrat Party, this is who you are for future generations to read!

The Democrat Party now sits in the company of Atilla and his inhumanities, with King Leopold II and his horrors in the Congo, with other miscreants of history (Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, etc.).

Let the electorate accept this fact about the “Ds” and remember their egregious behavior in the 2026 elections!

History is repeating itself with the pardons/commutations of Biden’s last 30 minutes in office.

Many illustrations can be provided but let me suggest an essay by Graham Land, “8 Convicted Nazi War Criminals Who Got Off Easy.” The article focuses attention on the way evil perpetrators were not held accountable.

There were war crimes and crimes against humanity including slave labor, medical malfeasance, racial cleansing, military figures, executions, hostage taking, imprisonment, torture, deployment of mobile death squads and corrupt government ministers. These were responsible for wholesale enslavement, plunder, and murder. The Nazi war criminals were convicted of monstrous acts, yet some served only a few years before their sentences were commuted or they received pardons for economic or political reasons.

History’s chronicles have not been kind to the “easy” treatment of heinous criminals. These were allowed to go unpunished and their crimes shrugged off.

History’s chronicles now adds to man’s arrogance the “Ds” shocking pardons/commutations that were flagrantly exercised in the last minutes of the Biden/Harris administration.

Will the electorate of our Republic forget this scandalous behavior in future election cycles? Will the nation hold the Democrat Party accountable for its elitism? America, do you approve of the “Ds” living above the law that they penalize you for breaking?

History redundantly records the unraveling of great Empires when the Rule of Law is ignored by the ruling Elite. Victimized by the Elite’s arrogance, the nation’s civility, security, and strength are compromised.

The arrogance of the Elite deludes them into thinking they are in total charge; that they are in an unassailable position. Their arrogance blinds them to their precarious position.

Among the many illustrations of arrogant politicians/bureaucrats is one from the Persian Empire (The Bible, the Book of Esther). This historic anecdote should strike fear in the hearts of all POLS IF they have any sensitivity remaining in their soul.

An entrenched bureaucrat was evilly ambitious, selfishly conniving, and diabolically biased. His name was “Haman.” He was politically connected. His position gave him unlimited command and control to pursue his agenda. His hatred drove him to genocide. So smug was he that he had high gallows built for his political enemy. His scheme was activated. The government was manipulated. His scheme seemed perfect. But, in one of the most amazing historical ironies, Haman was hung on his own gallows for all to see! (Esther 7:10)  The political intrigue, evil maneuvering, and manipulation destroyed the one who had put all into motion.

The current political maneuverings by the D’s via the Biden/Harris last minute pardons and commutations, remind me of Hayman’s Gallows. These have been focused only on pursuing their arrogance and lawfare. Their evil obfuscations are documented. Their insidious arrogance is exposed. They built gallows to hang high all who opposed them. Now, history’s narrative will hang them high on the gallows they constructed for their political enemies. The evil has not abated as it continues seeking to disrupt the overwhelming electorate’s decision in November.

Do not think this exposure is only a momentary blip. Penn’s words will haunt the Democrat Party, “With these pardons, Joe Biden has put Democrats and the media in an impossible position. This will be thrown in their faces for years to come.”

The payday for evil politicking will continue. I am reminded of this fable: There was a farmer whose neighbor was an atheist. The atheist said, “Tell you what. You plant your crops and work your field 6 days a week, taking Sundays off to worship God. I’ll work my field 7 days a week and in the fall we’ll see who has the biggest crop.” When October came and the crops were gathered in, the atheist dropped by to see the results. Sure enough, his harvest was larger than the Christian’s. “What do you say now?” he sneered. The Christian replied, “God doesn’t settle all His accounts in October.”

History validates that all accounts are not instantly settled. Those who perpetrated evil will be long remembered. The national uproar regarding the malfeasance of Biden’s pardons/commutations will linger. Every “D” is identified with this duplicity!

What about those receiving Biden’s pardons? At least four points beg attention.

First, as Grant Stinchfield observes, one accepting a pardon admits guilt of that for which the pardon forgives. Thus, all pardoned by Biden ARE guilty. They admit guilt to what. They declare their guilt for what.

Second, exactly WHAT crimes are pardoned? Is this a total absolution for every crime?

Third, what recourse can appeal to justice’s vindication? Do pardons eliminate civil suits as a means of serving justice? What civil actions can be taken against those pleading guilty, so justice is served?

Fourth, a most intriguing query asks, to what degree does mental acuity factor in these pardons. Does one have to “be of sound mind” for the pardon to be effective? Can one be demented and give a pardon? Addressing this point is an article from Real Clear Politics: The Moment Speaker Mike Johnson Knew Biden Wasn’t “In Charge” Anymore. Speaker Johnson, “It occurred to me…He genuinely did not know what he had signed. I walked out of that meeting with fear and loathing because I thought, We’re in serious trouble. Who is running the country? I don’t know who put the paper in front of him, but he didn’t know.” If Biden was not “in sound mind” to know what he was signing, how valid is anything he signed?

Do not forget that history is “unerring, redundant and unforgiving.” Politicians fail to accept this truth. They leave behind a historic legacy that brings shame and inescapable judgment. The Democrats, Republicans, Deep State Bureaucrats, and all who profit from unethical and immoral politics will face Haman’s Gallows. In the end they will be exposed as Fools. The electorate must never forget this fact! Putting Haman’s Gallows into perspective is this wisdom, “The exercise of justice is joy for the righteous, but is terror to the evildoers” (The Bible, Proverbs 21:15).


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