
Kamala Asked To Name One ‘Major’ Legislative Goal She Has, She Couldn’t Do It

Kamala Asked To Name One ‘Major’ Legislative Goal She Has, She Couldn’t Do It

Vice President Kamala Harris was asked point blank on Wednesday night to name a major legislative policy goal that she would pursue if she became president. She was unable to name any.

Harris was asked the question at CNN’s town hall event by an audience member who wanted to know “one major policy goal” that she wanted to pursue in Congress and why.

“Well, there’s not just one,” Harris responded. “There’s a lot of work that needs to happen.”

“I think that maybe part of this point that — how I think about it is we’ve got to get past this era of politics and partisan politics slowing down what we need to do in terms of progress in our country,” she continued. “And that means working across the aisle.”

She claimed that she has accomplished things in bipartisan fashion before and that she was committing to “work with Democrats, with Republicans, with independents to deal with a number of issues.”

“Whether it be what we need to do in terms of housing and creating legislation that creates incentives for that,” she said. “What we need to do to reinstate the freedom of a woman to make decisions about her own body and not have her government tell her what to do.”


“Whether it be what we need to do to actually invest in a substantial way in the industries of the future, in American-based manufacturing, in American-based industries where American workers and union workers have those jobs in a way that is good-paying jobs that gives people the dignity they deserve,” she continued. “All of those areas I plan on working across the aisle and with Congress, including the issue of immigration which we’ve got to fix.”


Kamala Harris was asked to name 1 thing she will try to get done as part of her legislative agenda

She could not name anything.

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) October 24, 2024

Harris never answered the question and was subsequently criticized on CNN by Dana Bash for not answering.

“But what will she do? The question about her legislative priorities,” Bash said. “Name one. There wasn’t one.”

CNN’s Dana Bash on Kamala Harris’s lack of answers regarding her policies:

“But what will she do? The question about her legislative priorities, name one. There wasn’t one.”

— Conservative War Machine (@WarMachineRR) October 24, 2024


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