«In fact, I think it’s fine if they run into a stumble here or there, because the project is so big, the need to cut is so great, the government is so large. It’s inconceivable that you wouldn’t make a mistake here or there. But I think that’s acceptable if the greater goal is achieved, which is a smaller government. A more efficient government. Even if someone, even if someone dies or even if someone, do you mean someone has died because of this? We don’t know.
I’m talking about when things get serious, I’m talking about, for example, Kansas City, where 30,000 government employees could be laid off. That would destroy the economy of Kansas City. That’s okay.
Why do you say that? Because I’m reading what the people from Kansas City have been saying, that they’re doing very well. What do you think they’ll say when they’re affected? They’ll say that. But my point is, do we think that’s smart?»