
MAGA Nation in Uproar as Leftist Actor Tom Hanks Cruelly Mocks Trump Supporters During Despicable SNL Sketch (VIDEO)

MAGA Nation in Uproar as Leftist Actor Tom Hanks Cruelly Mocks Trump Supporters During Despicable SNL Sketch (VIDEO)

Far-left actor Tom Hanks mocks Trump supporters on Saturday Night Live’s 50th Anniversary special. (Credit: SNL YouTube screenshot)

One of America’s most famous actors took part in a tired, disgusting skit mocking Trump supporters on a late-night ‘comedy’ show past its expiration date.

During far-left “Saturday Night Live’s” 50th Anniversary special, liberal actor Tom Hanks made an appearance on the show as a clueless, racist idiot named “Doug” to represent Trump supporters on a skit called “Black Jeopardy.”

The character previously appeared during the 2016 election as part of SNL’s effort to show that working-class blacks and rural Trump supporters had several things in common.

This portrayal, however, was purely sinister.

“Can I say somethin’?” ‘Doug’ says in a stereotypical hick accent. “If more folks went to church, we wouldn’t be in this mess we’re in now.”

Thompson responds by saying he agrees with Doug and goes over to shake his hand. Doug becomes horrified at the thought of making contact with a black and immediately recoils.

“Oh, no, I don’t like that,” Doug responds.

After finally shaking Thompson’s hand, Hanks’s character makes this provocative statement:

“Uh, thank you, my brother. Maybe I’ll start a show for you to come on, and we’ll call it ‘White Jeopardy.’”

The skit was so unfunny that hardly any of the brainwashed liberals in the audience laughed.


For its 50 year anniversary special, SNL had Tom Hanks play a racist Trump supporter afraid to shake a black man’s hand. Fun fact: Trump’s 2024 election win was the LEAST racially divisive American election since 1964.

— Clay Travis (@ClayTravis) February 17, 2025

What makes the skit even more outrageous is that Trump won over a historic number of minority voters in his landslide victory over Kamala Harris in November. MAGA Nation represents tens of millions of patriots across all ethnic and religious backgrounds who love America and want to see her return to her former glory.

Trump supporters deservedly blasted Hanks’s mockery on social media.

Tom Hanks just ruined the SNL 50.

— WH@TEVR. (@orang8ight) February 17, 2025

Can we all just take a moment to acknowledge the fact that Tom Hanks is a piece of shit.

— Philip Anderson (@VoteHarrisOut) February 17, 2025

Fuck Tom Hanks and Fuck SNL

— Karli Bonne’ (@KarluskaP) February 17, 2025

This makes me mad.

SNL ran a skit tonight w/Tom Hanks as a MAGA racist…he literally recoils when a black game show host reaches to shake hands.

So wrong — MAGA isn’t racist!

SNL knows they can keep pushing these stupid stereotypes for laughs. Sick.

— Kristen Mag (@kristenmag) February 17, 2025

They dragged out Tom Hanks on SNL to serve as the old, white, racist MAGA guy who didn’t want to shake a black man’s hand.


— Eric Daugherty (@EricLDaugh) February 17, 2025

Tom Hanks just went full woke on SNL, mocking Trump supporters as racist hicks. Hollywood can’t stop pushing the divide

— Clown World ™ (@ClownWorld_) February 17, 2025

It didn’t take @nbc long to insult Trump voters by putting Tom Hanks on with an all black cast acting dumb and racist in a MAGA hat. It was rather disgusting. What a tool. What a disgrace @nbcsnl to decide to exclude an audience of millions who grew up watching your programming.

— texanconstitutionalist (@texanconstitut1) February 17, 2025

Is a boycott of Hanks’s future movie projects next?


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