
Maher: I’m Sick of People Wanting a Ceasefire After Israel Got Attacked, Israel Tried Letting Gaza Be a Palestinian State

Maher: I’m Sick of People Wanting a Ceasefire After Israel Got Attacked, Israel Tried Letting Gaza Be a Palestinian State

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that he’s frustrated with people who say, “well, let’s just have a ceasefire.” And remarked, “The best time ever to ever have a ceasefire is right after Israel gets attacked.” And that “Israel wanted a two-state solution from the beginning.” But when “Gaza was a Palestinian state. They just used it to attack Israel.”

Maher said, “Israel wanted a two-state solution from the beginning. They gave Gaza back. It wasn’t theirs, they weren’t running it. What did they do when they had their own state? Gaza was a Palestinian state. They just used it to attack Israel. That’s why it’s just so frustrating when people say, well, let’s just have a ceasefire. The best time ever to ever have a ceasefire is right after Israel gets attacked.”

He added, “[O]ne place has always wanted a two-state solution. Now, that has wobbled recently, because you can only have a deal on the table for so long and [have] it spurned, [before] you get a little tired of putting that deal down. And one place has never wanted a two-state solution, ever. Their only means of ending this has been, we wipe you out and take it all. So, that’s where we’re starting from. That’s why it’s a little frustrating to hear some of these, waffling, in my opinion, views on it.”

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