
Polls Show Rising Expectations on Trump for a Pro-American Migration Policy

Polls Show Rising Expectations on Trump for a Pro-American Migration Policy

Multiple polls show rising voter expectations for a pro-American migration policy even as President-elect Donald Trump is suddenly zig-zagging on the issue of white-collar migration.

“Forty-seven percent of the public name migration as a priority for the government to work on … up from 35 percent who said the same in December 2023,” the Associated Press reported on January 7.

The report added:

The issue of immigration has risen in salience across the board — among Democrats and Republicans, men and women, and adults both young and old … About 7 in 10 Republicans say immigration or a U.S.-Mexico border wall should be a top focus, up from 45% just two years ago.

The desired focus on immigration has jumped among independents, from 20 percent in December 2022 to 41. percent in December 2024, the AP reported.

Among Democrats, the demand for fixes has risen from 16 percent in December 2022 to 30 percent in December 2024,

Similarly, Gallup reported on January 2:

Expectations are highest that Trump will control illegal immigration, which 68% of U.S. adults predict he’ll do. Smaller majorities believe he will reduce unemployment, keep the country safe from terrorism, improve the economy, keep the country out of war, cut people’s taxes or reduce the crime rate.

Just 28 percent say Trump will not be able to control illegal migration, said Gallup, which added “belief that he will control illegal immigration has increased nine points since 2016.”

A January 5-8 survey by YouGov showed a 34 percent plurality believes legal migration makes the nation “worse off,” and a 41 percent plurality favor cuts or ending legal migration.  Just 17 percent favor additional legal migration.

Sixty-one percent of Trump’s voters — and 38 percent of independents — favor cutting or ending legal immigration, said YouGov.

Only 17 percent of Americans favor a greater inflow of H-IB migrants into white-collar jobs, said YouGov. However, YouGov skewed the question by describing the mid-skilled H-1Bs as having “specialized skills” as if American graduates do not have those skills.

Twenty-four percent of Joe Biden’s voters — including many female graduates — favor an increase of white-collar migrants.

The rising expectations for pro-American reforms also put pressure on Trump to implement pro-American reforms. “Trump will return to the White House with his base, and much of the country, interested in his signature issue,” the AP noted.

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Since Christmas, he has been zig-zagging between expected support for American college graduates and corporate demands for even more foreign graduates to be delivered via the giveaway H-1B visa program. For example, in late December, Trump signaled his support of Elon Musk’s demand for the continued huge inflow of foreign migrants into the white-collar jobs needed by young U.S. graduates and experienced professionals.

“I’ve always felt we have to have the most competent people in our country,” Trump said. “We need competent people … We need a lot of people coming in.”

However, more foreign migrants will push more American graduates out of good jobs, economic prosperity, and leading posts in the nation’s critical tech sector.

Democrats are also feeling the polling pressure, admitted a pro-migration writer at the Washington Post: “Democrats suddenly have their own reasons to get religion on border security and that there is little impetus for making the package truly “comprehensive” in ways that could jeopardize Republican support,” he wrote January 8.

When polled after the election, 57 percent of the voters said they trust Trump and the GOP to handle migration, far above the Democrats’ score of 29 percent. The left-wing Progressive Policy Institute reported in December.

The group reported on its polling data:

So powerful was [voters’s] eagerness for change that sticking with the status quo seemed the bigger risk. When asked to sum up how they felt about the eventual result, having feared ‘more of the same’ the word most often selected was “relieved.” A male Trump voter told us, “I was relieved because we were going nowhere fast. Everyone was waiting for the change,” while a female Trump voter in Pennsylvania added, “I was relieved because of the immigration and transgender issues. We were going down a weird path.”

The change people wanted to see coalesced around two dominant campaign issues: inflation and immigration. These mattered most to “hero voters” and were the areas where Trump had the strongest lead.

“Immigration is the top priority for 2025,” the Associated Press reported in a January polling report.

Breitbart News has carefully tracked the rising public demand for pro-American reforms– not pro-business ones- of the federal government’s wealth-shifting, wage-cutting policy of Extraction Migration.

For example, a December poll showed that 60 percent oppose the H-1B white-collar migration program. The poll asked, “Should Congress increase the number of foreign workers taking higher-skill U.S. jobs or does the country already have enough talented people to train and recruit for most of those jobs?”


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