
Riley Gaines Hails Donald Trump as ‘True Champion for Women’ Due to Emerging Transgender Policies

Riley Gaines Hails Donald Trump as ‘True Champion for Women’ Due to Emerging Transgender Policies

Women’s sports activist Riley Gains and others are hailing Donald Trump as the “champion for women” after his efforts to reverse the extreme pro-transgender policies pushed by his predecessor.

With one of his first acts as president, Trump ordered the federal government to refrain from recognizing transgenderism and to end efforts to “socially engineer race and gender into every aspect of public and private life.”

The new president said that he intends to put a stop to Biden’s “gender extremism” and ordered the government to define gender as binary and in strictly male/female terms.

Gaines hailed the moves in a post on X.

“We finally have a true CHAMPION for women in the White House,” Gaines wrote on Monday afternoon.

“Sex-based definitions are already law in 8 states & introduced in 8 more. Today, it will be established at the federal level,” she added.

Many also praised Trump’s moves to reverse Biden’s gender politics extremism.

“Sanity returns! God bless Trump!,” Michael McCurcheon X user wrote in reply.

“Finally some sanity being restored,” another user replied.

The group Women’s Rights Matter also praised Trump’s moves, writing, “President Trump took an important step in ensuring women and girls are protected based on biological sex under law. Male prisoners do not belong in women’s prisons. Males should not be competing in female sports divisions. No matter how they identify.”

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