
Stunning Poll Finds Most Democrats Believe Joe Biden Left the U.S. Southern Border Open by Accident

Stunning Poll Finds Most Democrats Believe Joe Biden Left the U.S. Southern Border Open by Accident

Illegal aliens corraled in into a fenced off area in Eagle Pass, Texas thanks to Joe Biden’s open border policies.

File this story under beyond parody, because it sounds like something out of the Babylon Bee. It is, unfortunately, all too real.

A stunning 75 percent of Democrats believe that Joe Biden’s open border for four years happened by accident, according to a new poll. How does that old saying go? You can’t fix stupid.

Is it possible that these Democrats simply can’t face the fact that the leader of their party for four years would deliberately put the country at risk for purely political purposes?

Shock Poll: 75 Percent of Democrats Say Joe Biden’s Migration Flood Was an Accident | Neil Munro, Breitbart News

A staggering 75 percent of Democrats do not believe President Joe Biden’s deputies deliberately kept the border open for migrants, according to a February poll by…

— Owen Gregorian (@OwenGregorian) February 26, 2025

From Breitbart News:

Shock Poll: 75 Percent of Democrats Say Joe Biden’s Migration Flood Was an Accident

A staggering 75 percent of Democrats do not believe President Joe Biden’s deputies deliberately kept the border open for migrants, according to a February poll by Harvard Harris.

The February 19-20 poll of 2,443 registered voters comes just weeks after President Donald Trump deliberately shut down Biden’s destructive, expensive, and deadly migration during his first few hours in the White House.

Fifty-two percent of Americans and 80 percent of Republicans recognize Biden’s Democrats — led by pro-migration border chief Alejandro Mayorkas — deliberately encouraged the inflow of up to nine million southern migrants.

Those inadmissible migrants entered via a bewildering number of illegal and quasi-legal routes, such as “parole” and the “Welcome Corps at Work” programs. They were aided by billions of dollars in government funding and frequently welcomed as a boost to the economy.

Amid the massive evidence of a deliberate policy, 75 percent of Democrats said the inflow “was not their deliberate policy.”

You just have to shake your head.

The power of liberals to delude themselves astounds. Who even thought to have “accidental” as an option on the poll? Feels like they were testing some narratives to counter the devastation of democrat policies.

— Main Street (@Mainstreetrad) February 26, 2025

Biden’s open border wasn’t an accident, it was a policy, and it could have destroyed this country if the 2024 election had gone another way.

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Mike LaChance has been covering higher education and politics for Legal Insurrection since 2012. Since 2008 he has contributed work to the Gateway Pundit, Daily Caller, Breitbart, the Center for Security Policy, the Washington Free Beacon, and Ricochet. He has also written for American Lookout, Townhall, and Twitchy.

You can email Mike LaChance here, and read more of Mike LaChance’s articles here.


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