
TGP Exclusive: Visiting Tommy Robinson in Solitary – “Gym and Support From Outside Keep Him Sane”

TGP Exclusive: Visiting Tommy Robinson in Solitary – “Gym and Support From Outside Keep Him Sane”

Elon Musk has highlighted the imprisonment of Tommy Robinson, who was the first to publicly expose the mass gang rape scandal in the UK starting in 2011, which has now finally come to the attention of mainstream media. His friend and tech wiz Jonathan Wong was able to visit Tommy Robinson in HMP Woodhill on Saturday, where he is being held in solitary confinement for the crime of journalism. We spoke to Jonathan via Telegram.

I visited @TRobinsonNewEra today and sat with him for three hours.

I did not sign an NDA.

Ask me anything.

— Jonathan Wong (@WGthink) January 4, 2025

The Gateway Pundit: How is Tommy doing?

Jonathan Wong: He has lost weight. Something like 7 kg, but in good spirits. The gym and reading emails and letters everyone is sending him is keeping him motivated. He says there is quite a delay in screening of mail going to him and he is still getting birthday cards coming in. His birthday is in November.

When I saw him he was shaven, to my surprise. He has yet to convert to Islam.

He shown me his prison shopping receipts and it comprised of a lot of tinned tuna, crisps, and chocolate. Could be a bit healthier, haha!


For everyone asking how to write to Tommy Robinson in prison.

Cards, letters, etc, address here;

Stephen Yaxley-Lennon
HMP/YOI Woodhill
Tattenhoe Street
Milton Keynes


— Tommy Robinson (@TRobinsonNewEra) January 5, 2025

The Gateway Pundit: Last time he was in solitary, he lost a lot of weight and was eating tins for fear of poisoning. Is that still an issue?

Jonathan Wong: Very much so. HMP Woodhill reportedly has a 37% Muslim population. He is in a Category B prison, when he should be in Category D, where non-violent low risk convicts belong.

The Gateway Pundit: How does he deal with solitary? Did he describe the suffering inflicted on him?

Jonathan Wong: It has clearly taken a toll on him. His mental health has suffered greatly. The gym and support from the outside are what keep him sane. He said even the prison psychiatrist agrees prolonged solitary confinement is extremely detrimental to mental health. The maximum length anyone can be put in for solitary in the UK is 42 days. But everything is at the governor of the prison’s discretion. The governor can seek authorization from the Secretary of State to extend it.

Luton is a mixed town. He grew up with a load of black lads. I remember I went to the pub after one of his rallies wearing an England shirt, an Englishman across the bar shouted:


I will never forget that.

— Jonathan Wong (@WGthink) January 5, 2025

The Gateway Pundit: Has he seen his family? How are they?

Jonathan Wong: He saw them on Christmas Eve. Funny story, originally I was going to visit him on Christmas Eve. When I got the date back from Jenna (his ex-wife) I was like, are you sure? Apparently, they have a family tradition of going to the grandparents’ house every Christmas Eve.

I planned to go as Santa to bring some Christmas cheer, but unfortunately, the prison dress code would not allow headwear or face coverings. So no Santa hat or beard. Absolute tyranny!

Anyway, the kids really wanted to see Tommy, so last minute we changed the date again. I sort of knew that was going to happen, but hey.

In 2023, at the March Against Antisemitism event, @TRobinsonNewEra was wrongfully given a dispersal order by the Police for causing “alarm and distress” while working as a journalist and quietly sitting at a cafe.

These people are “that lot” the suits are talking about.


— Jonathan Wong (@WGthink) January 5, 2025

The Gateway Pundit: Do you know how they are doing financially?

Jonathan Wong: He has an outstanding £40k legal fees from the lawsuit he won over the “March Against Antisemitism,” where he was wrongfully given a dispersal order and arrested while working as a journalist, sitting quietly in a cafe.

Despite that case collapsing at the first day of trial, he still has to pay legal fees.

And then there is the contempt of court case where he has to pay the other side’s legal fees as well combined to £80k.

This is not including the upcoming case for not giving his PIN number (to his phone) in order to protect sensitive data from his sources as a Journalist.

The police arrested @TRobinsonNewEra, and in the process pepper-sprayed him, claiming he was “resisting arrest” and that he was a “flight risk”.

I am posting the full 12-minute interaction for full context.

The case collapsed on the first day of trial.


— Jonathan Wong (@WGthink) January 5, 2025

The Gateway Pundit: What is the legal situation? Does he have any route of appeal?

Jonathan Wong: The grounds of which to apply the Terrorism legislation to obtain his PIN was clearly bogus. There is no legitimate evidence to suggest Tommy was preparing any acts of terror. His main defense would be journalistic protection of sources.

With the activist judicial system, he is skeptical that he would get a fair hearing.

From what his legal team advises, if he is convicted, it shouldn’t add to his current prison length as it would run concurrently.

So hopefully he will be out in July.

Robinson saw his own cousin groomed by Muslim r*pe gangs when he was a teenager, and formed the EDL in 2009 due to the failures of the establishment in protecting English girls.

When he came on your show in 2017 you belittled him.

We remember.

— Jonathan Wong (@WGthink) January 5, 2025

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