
Warren: ‘Only Congress’ Can Shut Agencies Down, Not Trump or Musk

Warren: ‘Only Congress’ Can Shut Agencies Down, Not Trump or Musk

On Monday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) claimed during MSNBC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show” that only Congress can shut down agencies, not President Donald Trump or Elon Musk.

Warren said, “Only Congress, not Donald Trump, not Elon Musk, not some 22 year old programmer, only Congress can shut this agency down. But here’s the trick on that one, you notice none of the Republicans are oh, yeah, they, you know, beat on their chests and their big manly guys, and they keep putting in these bills to say, let’s shut down the Consumer Agency, but they don’t actually want a real vote on that.”

She continued, “A lot of them don’t actually want to stand next to exactly what they’re trying to do. And that is shut down the agency that has handled more than 6 million consumer complaints by people who got cheated by their credit card companies, by payday loan companies. They don’t want to admit what they’re trying to do. Remember that $21 billion that came out of somebody’s hide? And you know whose hide it came out of? The cheaters and the scammers. It came out of the hides of the billionaire CEOs, and they would like to have the opportunity to earn that money going forward.”

Warren added, “So they want to push but there are a lot of folks in Congress actually kind of squeamish about that. So they did the end run. They tried it through the courts. And you know what the Supreme Court of the United States said, not once, but twice. the thing is perfectly constitutional. Yep. it’s going to go forward. If you want to change it, you’ve got to go back to Congress. And now here’s Donald Trump, Elon Musk and a handful of 22 year olds saying, no, we think we’re just going to find another way to shut it down. It’s not only not legal and not popular.”

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