

Barack Obama

By Wayne Allyn Root

Yesterday I wrote one of the most popular, highly trafficked and controversial columns of the year. It blew up the Internet!

It was about former President Barack Obama (my Columbia college classmate)- who I openly branded as evil, a criminal mastermind, and a “Manchurian candidate.”

If the shoe fits, wear it.

Today I will lay out the criminal case against Obama, based only on my common sense and gut instincts.

But on Monday, I’ll publish Part 3- the detailed insights of a high-level retired CIA insider on the crimes of Obama.

I’m not a lawyer, prosecutor, or expert on the law and national security. I only play one on TV. So, what you are about to read are the opinions of a TV and radio talk show host who has only two unique talents- common sense and accurate gut instincts built from survival on the mean streets of New York…

Here is my criminal case against Barack Obama…

*We all know the US government spied on presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and the Trump presidential campaign. That’s a fact.

But here’s the important part: You’d have to be a moron to not understand President Obama ordered and/or approved of that spying. Which is a crime.

Maybe you’ve heard of “Watergate.”

When a Republican president ordered the spying of an opponent, the media went ballistic and President Nixon’s world came crashing down. Richard Nixon resigned in disgrace rather than face impeachment and criminal charges.

Trust me on this one- no one in the DOJ, CIA, FBI, or NSA ordered spying on a presidential candidate and his presidential campaign without getting the approval and permission from President Obama. Obama signed off on this dirty deed. But much more likely, he was the one who gave the order to spy on trump.

*We just found out in recent days that FBI Director James Comey was running a secret undercover operation involving two female agents placed inside the Trump presidential campaign to travel with Trump and his staff.

Again, you’re either a moron, or completely blind, deaf and really dumb, if you believe this happened without the approval, cooperation and coordination of President Obama. He absolutely knew about it. The odds are high that he ordered and orchestrated it.

Again, think “Watergate.” This was a crime at the highest levels.

By the way, you must understand everything the government saw and heard was passed onto Trump’s presidential opponent, Hillary Clinton. That was the whole point of the spying- to give Hillary “the inside scoop” on everything Trump planned to do, before he did it, so she would defeat Trump and win the presidency- to keep Obama, Biden and Hillary from going to prison for their dirty deeds.

*Hillary gave a large portion of America’s plutonium stock to a state-owned Russian company in return for a $145 million donation to The Clinton Foundation. That’s called “pay for play.” That donation was a bribe. Hillary sold out our country. This deal jeopardized our national security.

Again, if you think this happened without the blessing of President Obama, you either believe in fairy tales, or you’re a moron. Secretaries of State don’t extort money from foreign enemies of America without the President knowing, approving, or most likely, giving the order.

*Vice President Biden and his son Hunter extorted world leaders- in particular Ukraine and China. Do you believe this all happened without the knowledge and approval of President Obama? Not a chance in hell.

Obama was either the one giving the orders to his frontman and patsy Biden, or at the very least, Obama was getting a piece of the loot in return for looking the other way.

*Russian Collusion. Ditto. Rinse and repeat. This whole plot was obviously invented by Obama once Trump pulled off the upset, to distract President Trump and keep him from investigating the dirty deeds of Obama, Hillary and Biden.

*The January 6th scam. Ditto. Rinse and repeat. Another plot/set-up devised by Obama to destroy Trump’s reputation- so he’d never again have the chance to serve as President. You didn’t think Nancy Pelosi was smart enough to think up this scam, did you? Obama’s fingerprints are all over it.

*The Trump Impeachments. Ditto. Rinse and repeat. A way to distract President Trump and keep him from investigating Obama, Hillary, and Biden- because Trump was too busy defending himself.

*The unprecedented raid on Maralago (President Trump’s home). Ditto. Rinse and repeat. This was all a set-up to embarrass Trump, and keep him from ever running for President again. Because Obama understood no other GOP candidate could win a rigged election. With Trump out of the way, Biden’s re-election was assured. That kept Obama, Hillary and Biden safe for another four years.

And with four more years of the open border, no Republican would ever be elected again.

*The four manufactured federal and state indictments against Trump. Ditto. Rinse and repeat. Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

*The civil cases in New York that tried to take Trump’s entire fortune away from him. Ditto. Rinse and repeat. Obama’s fingerprints all over it.

If you’re not a moron…or blind, deaf and really dumb…or bought off by a foreign government…

It’s clear as day this was all ordered, orchestrated, and coordinated by Obama. And I’m guessing Obama got his marching orders from either China, or George Soros, or the World Economic Forum, or most likely all three.

All of this was meant to either distract, intimidate, destroy, imprison or bankrupt President Trump- in order to keep him away from the White House and any attempt to investigate, or prosecute the high crimes of Obama, Biden and Hillary.

Look for Part 3 of this trilogy on Monday- the detailed insights of a high-level retired CIA insider on the crimes of Obama.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch. Read Wayne’s latest fun book, “How Democrats Have Made America Great.” It’s 140 blank pages! The joke is on Democrats!


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