
Super Bowl commercials: The 5 best (and 5 worst!) from the 2025 Big Game

Super Bowl commercials: The 5 best (and 5 worst!) from the 2025 Big Game

By now you’ve had time to process the Eagles’ dominance, the Chiefs’ implosion, Kendrick Lamar’s halftime performance, and everything else around Super Bowl LIX. Sure, you saw PuppyMonkeyBaby and the Seal seal and all the rest of the ads. But what will stick with you? Here, our takes on the best, and worst, of the commercial crop for 2025.

Before we begin, let’s take a moment to spotlight the greatest ad ever created for a Super Bowl …

Yahoo x Bill Murray

Granted, we may be a bit biased. And now … on with the rankings.

Dunkin’, “DunKings 2”

Ben Affleck, Dunkin’ Obsessive and Oblivious Bostonian is one of the best commercial characters to come along in awhile, and this time around he gets an assist from brother Casey and Succession’s method-acting Jeremy Strong, as well as Jay and Silent Bob and Bill Belichick. The blaze-orange glow of Dunkin’ will sear your eyeballs in the best possible way.

Instacart, “We’re Here”

If one key tenet of Super Bowl commercials is eliciting a “Hey, I know that reference!” reaction from your audience, well, this Instacart ad is pretty much the peak of that genre. An Avengers-esque lineup of commercial characters, from Mr. Clean to the Energizer Bunny to a kaiju Green Giant, this will have everyone rewinding to see what they missed. Not a great ad, per se, but perhaps the ideal Super Bowl ad. Plus: The return of Puppymonkeybaby!

Hellmann’s, “When Sally Met Hellmann’s”

An ideal Super Bowl ad! Recalling an iconic scene from “When Harry Met Sally” with Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal hits that nostalgia spot, and it’s still funny enough for anyone unfamiliar with it. And Sydney Sweeney’s cameo at the end is the bridge to younger audiences. But that is a gross amount of mayo Ryan put on her sandwich.

Bud Light, “Cul-De-Sac Party”

Shane Gillis, Peyton Manning and Post Malone firing beer cans all over a suburban cul-de-sac? What’s not to love? This captures the essential dudeness of suburban dad life, with the typical we-know-it’s-a-commercial meta winks of a Super Bowl ad. Bonus points if you can count how many people are holding their Bud Light cans logo-visible, a way no human being has ever held a can outside a commercial.

Totino’s Pizza Rolls, “Chazmo’s Farewell”

OK, look, anything by Tim Robinson, the creator of “I Think You Should Leave,” is straight comedy gold. This fits right in that vein, so this Totino’s ad is awesome. Your opinion may vary. But in this article, we praise Chazmo, and Tim Robinson.

The Worst

Hexclad, “Unidentified Frying Object”

Seemed like it was setting up a scenario where Gordon Ramsay was going to cook up some alien food, and then devolved into … yet another celebrity Super Bowl ad, this one making wacky commentary on celebrities themselves! Fumbled a big opportunity. Should’ve had Gordon pan-frying some alien steaks in butter.

Yeezy, ????

After Kanye’s tweets earlier this week, ain’t no way we’re clicking that link.

WeatherTech, “Born To Be Wild”

Look, this is a solid enough Super Bowl ad, with sassy grannies and some (hidden) elderly nudity. But we’re still using “Born to be Wild” in the year 2025? Seriously? That song is nearly 60 years old! There have been a lot of good songs written since then! Advertisers of the world who want to portray low-stakes rebellion on screen, try at least one of them!

Zeam, “Jingle”

Add this to the pile of Super Bowl ads that doesn’t explain what it’s promoting. John Stamos is cool, and he briefly explains that Zeam is… a streaming service? Maybe? We don’t know because Stamos spends 22 seconds trying to write a jingle. Utterly forgettable.

CoffeeMate, “Let’s Go Tongues”

You know, so many of these ideas must sound so great in the brainstorming stage — “What if we had a dancing tongue leap out of a dude’s mouth and cavort onstage?” — and then in practice, they’re the epitome of, “Wow, I never need to see that again.” Not every ad that’s memorable is memorable in a good way.


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